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Programs do not start sometimes... icon keeps bouncing then nothing happens

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    Programs do not start sometimes... icon keeps bouncing then nothing happens

    First things first, hello to all the forum, I'm new here and to Kubuntu as well

    I'm posting in this section because I suppose it's a feisty fawn problem, but if it's not (and I have no way to know, since I'm new to kubuntu) I suppose it will be moved.

    I have this weird problem with feisty, installed just yesterday. When I open programs from the menu, or even from the right-click context menu, sometimes I see a bouncing icon for like 20 seconds and then nothing happens. I noticed also that this seem to happen randomly, and than no application seem to be immune to this weird problem. Now, it is a sporadic thing, so it's more a nuisance than anything else.. but still I'd like to ask if somebody knows what causes this/if there is a fix.

    Re: Programs do not start sometimes... icon keeps bouncing then nothing happens

    A couple of threads on this already. Did you do a search?

    The problem occurs when you are trying to open programs that require the sudo password. KDE caches the password for a short time to keep you from having to enter it if you are doing several things that require sudo in succession. But the feature sometimes interferes with letting programs open on the first try sometimes.

    To disable the cache add "timestamp_timeout=0" to the Defaults set in /etc/sudoers. This is what my /etc/sudoers file looks like.
    # /etc/sudoers
    # This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.
    # See the man page for details on how to write a sudoers file.
    # Host alias specification
    # User alias specification
    # Cmnd alias specification
    # Defaults
    Defaults	!lecture,tty_tickets,!fqdn
    Defaults	timestamp_timeout=0
    # User privilege specification
    root	ALL=(ALL) ALL
    # Members of the admin group may gain root privileges
    %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL
    Be VERY careful editing this file, because even the slightest typo or change of permissions will cause you to be unable to sudo.


      Re: Programs do not start sometimes... icon keeps bouncing then nothing happens

      Originally posted by Detonate
      A couple of threads on this already. Did you do a search?
      I did but nothing useful came out. I probably didn't use the correct words, after all I didn't even notice yet that the problem happened with commands which required sudo. Keep in mind I'm very new to kde . Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try it out and hopefully it will work


        Re: Programs do not start sometimes... icon keeps bouncing then nothing happens

        Detonate: Is that a viable way to edit /etc/sudoers, meaning you having two lines for "Defaults"? I had come across that problem before in Edgy and had to edit mine, using those threads you mentioned, this way to make it work...

        # /etc/sudoers
        # This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.
        # See the man page for details on how to write a sudoers file.
        # Host alias specification
        # User alias specification
        # Cmnd alias specification
        # Defaults
        Defaults	!lecture,tty_tickets,!fqdn,timestamp_timeout=0
        # User privilege specification
        root	ALL=(ALL) ALL
        # Members of the admin group may gain root privileges
        %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL


          Re: Programs do not start sometimes... icon keeps bouncing then nothing happens

          I know for a fact that mine works. Never tried it with it all on the same line, but when it comes to the sudoers file, if it's working, don't mess with it.


            Re: Programs do not start sometimes... icon keeps bouncing then nothing happens

            Great piece of advice lol. It works fine with it on one line for me and haven't seen it done before the way you have it so figured I'd ask ya.

