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Kubuntu and Beryl/Compiz, some musings...

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    Kubuntu and Beryl/Compiz, some musings...

    I've been using Kubuntu for a while now, around 6-7 months and recently upgraded from Edgy to Feisty. I've always preferred the KDE look over GNOME although it seems that some amount of stability is sacrificed with KDE. That said the killer apps in KDE are just too darn hard to ignore...Amarok and Konversation are by far the best pieces of software i've ever come across and they keep me firmly wedded to KDE.

    Now i've been trying to get Compiz to run on Feisty, with Ubuntu its a no-brainer..but with Kubuntu, it just seems to be darn impossible. Installing Beryl is a far far easier task and works great...except that it dosent give me the "required" eye-candy as far as animated menus are concerned. And also that Beryl is a little unstable compared to Compiz.

    Why is installing Compiz such a pain in the a#$ compared to Beryl? Even though they share a lot of similarities? I've been to countless forums at Compiz and over here trying to get some solution. The kde-window-decorator just simply doesn't work!! I'm using an Nvidia FX5200 card with all the glx drivers installed...but I can't seem to get past the stage where I loose all window decorations when I invoke Compiz as my WM through the Beryl Manager. While changing over to Beryl gives me back he window decorations.

    Can someone help me with this?


    Re: Kubuntu and Beryl/Compiz, some musings...

    The only thing I know, and it is little since I just recently started using Beryl, is that in order to use KDE decorations, I had to install aquamarine. Do you know if you have that? I haven't had a problem using my KDE windows decorations since installing that. I've never tried Compiz so I'm at a lost there. As far a Beryl, which I like, I do agree that there are some anoyances there, but since it is realtive young, I'm sure it will mature into a very usefull and stable Desktop component.


      Re: Kubuntu and Beryl/Compiz, some musings...

      I personally found Beryl under Edgy was always a bit shaky -- of course, part of it was my self-induced choice to manually install the Nvidia driver, which of course blew away with every kernel upgrade.

      However, under Feisty Beta with nvidia-glx-new, Beryl is rock-solid on my 32-bit Kubuntu system -- I haven't seen problem #1 with it in two weeks. On my 64-bit Ubuntu system (same hardware platform, different disk partition), it's still a little iffy -- window decorators sometimes are there, and sometimes not. That may be more a Gnome issue than a Beryl issue -- I'm not sure.


        Re: Kubuntu and Beryl/Compiz, some musings...

        dibl. did you have any of the problems I'm have listed here?

