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Crossover - Steam

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    Crossover - Steam

    I just got Crossover to test purposes and I must say that in the case of Steam, it will install it with no problems. At this moment I'm downloading Day of Defeat, later on I will keep you informed about the game performance.

    Beware the Almighty Command Line

    Re: Crossover - Steam

    You should also give normal wine (latest versions from Edgy +, or from winehq) a try for steam, aside from a couple of minor things (needing tahoma font for one) it installs very easily, though I haven't used crossover in a while, it worked ok last I tried, cedega for me lagged behind and I canceled my long standing subscription last summer. I don't know if you need to tweak the individual games settings as much using crossover as you may have to in wine, though

    I have never used steam in windows, so I can't compare performance, but for my hardware it seems to run fine for HL2, HL1 is wonderful but as a much older game it should be, DoD should do well for you

