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Noatun Crash Handler problem

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    Noatun Crash Handler problem

    Hello to all who bther to read this support request.

    As usual, all constuctive replies will be recieved with thanx!

    I managed to upgrade from Edgy to Feisty a week or so ago. I used the upgrade tool which the Kubuntu developers are asking people to test and everything has gone well. I am fortunate enough to have survived any subsequent upgrades unscathed and am therefore impressed with the whole 'dist upgrade' routine.

    I have a couple of minor problems, however, which I can't solve through my usual channels, ie googling and looking through forums such as this. I don't know if they relate to the upgrade I have recently embarked upon?

    Ok, here goes...

    1) I can't get the 'noatun' front end to appear anywhere on my desktop when I try to open the application. If I click on an mp3 file in my /home/.../music/ folder, I get a dialogue box at the top, left hand corner of my screen which fades away fairly quickly, but no GUI. I can hear the music so that bit is working for sure. I thought at first that it may not be appearing because I had xmms installed as well (xmms gui opened no problem via stream-tuner or mp3 file click etc). I uninstalled xmms but still cannot see Noatun when I start the application. It is running because the process is listed in 'ksysguard' and as I said above, I can hear the music.
    I also downloaded some skins for Noatun from KDE-Look, created a 'skins' folder in /home/dkaddict/.kde/share/apps/noatun/ and created a sub-folder '/kjofol' inside the 'skins' folder, unpacked the skin files and copied them to /home/dk.../noatun/skins/kjofol. This achieved nothing though and I am still without a noatun GUI.
    Am I missing a dependency needed to be able to interact fully with noatun?
    I can't get a GUI by clicking on the menu icon or through a shell.

    Any ideas?

    2) When I boot my Kubuntu, I get a 'crash handler' dialogue box, again at the top left of my screen which reports a crash that occured just then or 'sometime in the past' and also prompts me to click it, the box, for further details. The crash handler box appears without fail every time I boot my notebook.
    Is there a way I can interact with this message and thus close the process so that it stops hassling me?

    That's it. Nothing major, but enough to get me to ask for help.

    I do always try to find the answers to issues such as these myself before posting here and am succesful 9 times out of 10. This is a number 10.

    Again, any help, advice, or pointer in the direction of solving these probs will be recieved with gratitude.

