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knetworkmanager and VPN

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    knetworkmanager and VPN

    I know that the new knetworkmanager has undergone quite a few changes. Changes I feel have made it a lot better for wireless. Tricks that I had to do under Edgy I no longer have to do . Under Edgy, I lost the use of PPTPCONFIG. After some researching I have discovered that knetworkmanager was also given a VPN Connections tool. After installing that plugin and restarted knetworkmanager, it does appear, however when I click on Configure VPN, I do not get any wizard or any such configuration menu. Am I missing something? Do I need to do something further? Thanks for your help!

    Re: knetworkmanager and VPN

    OK. I've found in the Start Menu --> Internet a new entry that was created from installing the VPN plugin for knetworkmanager.
    Listed as: VPN Connection Manager (PPP generic) .
    Command line entered as: nm-vpn-properties --import-service org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.ppp_starter --import-file %f

    Ran the command in konsole and got that nm-vpn-properties isn't installed. Go to adept and look for it to no avail.

    What am I missing here?


      Re: knetworkmanager and VPN

      Found what I'm missing!! Thanks guys for a great, and working, VPN tool!!! I can now get to my systems at work!!

      Here's what else needed to be done to get the VPN plugin working. Did this from konsole.

      sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome

      After that, all worked and configured beautifully!!


        Re: knetworkmanager and VPN

        After following your instructions and installing the packages you specified, I now too have an option under my KNetworkManager (running Feisty) for VPN Connections. However I can't seem to get it so save a VPN profile to save my life. I tried running 'nm-vpn-properties --import-service org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.ppp_starter --import-file %f' as sudo in a console window as well, which seemed to let me create a profile, but when I exited it and went back into it it was gone as well. Any advice you can give me will be much appreciated. I am trying to run my laptop exclusively on Kubuntu rather then dual-boot, but unless I can get the VPN access to my work running its kinda gonna be a deal breaker for me. Thanks for any help you can give!


          Re: knetworkmanager and VPN

          OK, the trick to install network-manager-gnome worked for me too. ONLY, I can't save any profile too. (like Raccoon)

          So, it still doesn't work for me.

          any suggestion?


            Re: knetworkmanager and VPN

            It could be that if yo did run it under SUDO, your normal profile does not have access to it (Reason for Not appearing). I never ran that command with SUDO. Although lately everything I been relaying to people seem to half work for them and work fully for me . Anyway, from knetworkmanager icon in the task bar, right click on it. Go to VPN CONNECTIONS --> Configure VPN. It should bring up the tool and you have to click on Add. Also, I must ask, did you all install "network-manager-pptp"? If not go to ADEPT Manager and in the filter type PPTP. It will be easier to find. Also remember reading somewhere that after installing the VPN tool that knetworkmanager had to be restarted. Let me know.


              Re: knetworkmanager and VPN

              Hi there,

              I managed to install Kvpnc and all the pptp daemons (all installed through Adept), to the point that I can now connect to the distant server at work. I have a burning question though, that sounds stupid: how do I then access the contents of the distant server? It seems that Konqueror should be the right tool, but how?



                Re: knetworkmanager and VPN

                If you know the name of the server your are accessing or it's IP, then it should be as simple as this in Konqueror:

                \\IP Address\sharename

                The first one having the network's domain name for me was an issue. I had to use it because it wasn't resolving just the machine name. Configuration issue I think, but it's still a good idea to use it.

                Hope this helps.


                  Re: knetworkmanager and VPN

                  Thanks MoonRise, no luck though ... the Konqueror tab reverts to smb:// and the network address but nothing connects.

                  I tried to create a link to NFS, no more luck, and now I have an empty file called "0" that appears in my home directory and pops back up everytime I delete it ... nothing life-threatening, just annoying.

                  Any idea how to remove that parasite?

