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X freezes

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    X freezes

    When installing Feisty I had tremendous problems getting my NVIDIA card (GeForce 2 GTS) to work properly, but I managed to do that. In the end I specified Hsync and Vrefresh manually and that solved the problem for now. Apart from that the first update went wrong and after reinstalling a number of packages it looked ok, although I'm still not really convinced. But the most annoying now is that when I try to use some programs e.g. KHelpcenter, Debian package search, or configuration screen (Actions, properties) everything freezes As if the whole keyboard is not connected anymore. For some freezes it is still possible to move the mouse but without any result. Till now I couldn't find any useful logging. Although the system as a whole is working fine it would be nice if I could solve this (but at the same time I like Feisty).
    Does someone has any ideas where to look or how to debug this?
    Any help appreciating......
    Message in the log after trying to use KHelpcenter:
    13-04-07 16:53:45 Beast kernel [ 2117.218377] NVRM: Xid: 13, 0000 02005600 00000056 00000c2c 00010001 00000080
    Beast is the name of my machine....
    - 2007/4/15 Problem solved partially !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!
    Found some troubleshooting at
    Following there recipe given there solves the problem because it switches of all the functions of the Nvidia graphics apart from showing the screen! Nevertheless that's at least something. But now Google Earth can't find a graphic card! I'm playing now with the parameters to find an acceptable balance, and I will contact NVIDIA whether they maybe can change the driver. I will post again when this is finished.