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My Desktop

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    My Desktop

    What gives?.. everything has been going fine.. for the last month I've been able to fix all my problems, all thanks to this forum, and I've just been loving it. I havent loged into my windows partition is over a month and planned on installing festy fawn on the whole hd (100GB)..

    I shut down my machine last night, I mean when I went to bed..and this morning my desktop is all broken up..I can only view under 8x6... this happened before on my other laptop ...I had to go back to ubuntu 6.10 in order to see @ 1280x768...

    What gives..what did I do wrong?.. one minute everything is running gr8 and this morning I'm back to noob level 1....trying to earn my stripes here but this is where I'm lost.. anyone else having this problem or is the noob force strong with me?...

    I have an ATI Radeon Xpress 200M...
    Kernal 2.6.20-14 generic..
    Authentic AMD i686..
    800 MHz...
    1GB ram.... if that means anything..


    Re: My Desktop

    sounds like you updated xorg. the new version has some new "auto detect" features. others can give you more info.
    <br />


      Re: My Desktop

      On my test system (updated / upgraded at least daily), the default colour depth entry seemingly has gone lost:

      Section "Screen"
       DefaultDepth 24
      had been but is no longer part of /etc/X11/xorg.conf >


        Re: My Desktop

        Originally posted by UnicornRider
        the default colour depth entry seemingly has gone lost:

        Section "Screen"
         DefaultDepth 24
        had been but is no longer part of /etc/X11/xorg.conf >
        That is not nice -- that will break Beryl and other things that users like a lot. I wonder if it is accidental or intentional -- any ideas?


          Re: My Desktop

          Originally posted by dibl
          That is not nice -- that will break Beryl and other things that users like a lot.
          I wonder if it is accidental or intentional -- any ideas?
          It's intentional I daresay ... some folks keep believing in the "modlines" as the solution to all and every problem (similar to their attempt to omit the HorizSync and VertRefresh values by those "improvements" - which, from my point of view, has been a failure).


            Re: My Desktop

            I have a problem after the first install and reboot the display fall back to 640x480, it was 1024x768, I found that the LCD monitor was detected properly during install, but then changed to generic after first reboot, I don't know why this happen, I've this problem in all previous versions.
            Do you Yahoo ? No I hiccup only :P


              Re: My Desktop

              Originally posted by lotech
              I've this problem in all previous versions.
              At least to narrow down potential sources of trouble, you may kick out all modlines and revert to classical (read: manual) set-up of the X server, if applicable, by means of a "non-buntu" live system to get useful data ...


                Re: My Desktop

                Had a similar problem with my NVIDIA card. Solved it by specifying hsync and vrefresh manually. You could give it a try! Backup your xorg.conf!


                  Re: My Desktop

                  thanks strikton .. but can you explain just how you did that? and do you think it was due to update or install.. everything was fine ..I mean my desktop looked sharp! but just after update, **** went down hill from there..


                  and to all the other replys to this post, even tho you all seem to be talking about something else.


                    Re: My Desktop

                    thanks strikton .. but can you explain just how you did that? and do you think it was due to update or install.. everything was fine ..I mean my desktop looked sharp! but just after update, **** went down hill from there..
                    Of course! Just edit your xorg.conf in /etc/X11 (after backing up the original!).
                    Then add the following lines to the Section "Monitor":
                    HorizSync 30-80
                    VertRefresh 50-85
                    The numbers are for my monitor, yours could be different. Your monitor manual should provide you with that info. Basically these are ranges, e.g. 50-85 means that the vertical refresh rate is possiible betwwen these values. Also have a look at
                    I think the reason is that something in the code for the drivers changed and that limits by default the ranges. Mines was from 30-50 and 35-55 which was not enough for e.g. 1024x768.
                    Be prepared that when something goes wrong you have to set back your xorg.conf outside X. You can choose that at the first logon.
                    That helps a bit more?


                      Re: My Desktop

             fact, I think that should do the trick, thanks again. crossing my fingers..

