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feisty 64 install

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    feisty 64 install


    Wanted to share some experiences with installing feisty 64bit. They aren't good. I downloaded the feisty x86_64 iso and burned it.
    I then repartitioned my hard drive so that I would have 60gig for x86_64. So far so good. I then booted the cd and preceded to install. My first stumbling block was the partitioner. It offered several choices for partitioning and all but the manual was not clear or friendly to use. I used the manual. I then proceded to go ahead with the install and it seemed to install all the basic stuff one would need. It setup grub and I was ready to reboot.
    The first problem I ran into was booting up in normal mode. Of course I ran into a brick wall because the correct/basic video drivers were not working (nvidia gt 7300 pcie). I was kinda expecting that since I have run into issues with it before. I then rebooted into recovery mode.
    I got to the root command line and proceded to to dist-upgrade. It brought down alot of updates. I also took the time to install nvidia-glx. I then installed the nvidia 9755_64 bit drivers. Rebooted back to recovery mode and then just telinit 3 which actually worked and I had a graphical log in.
    I then tried to log in with my user id and found that my user id did not exist!! It was installed when I loaded from the cd because it asked me for the info while installing! ok so now back to recovery mode. I then added my user and set the password. Telinit 3 and it let me log in but I had no home directory...
    At this point I decided to reboot to a working 32bit system and use my pc. I have not had such bad experiences with Kubuntu before but theis "feisty" elease has given me fits and this is the first time trying out the 64 bit since I've upgraded my system to support it.
    I know this is beta software so I just wanted t let others know to expect "issues".

    Re: feisty 64 install

    Well, maybe you haven't had enough patience with this distro. I installed it without knowing much about Linux and I'm using it right now without problems.
    I agree with you in the installation problems. I also used the manual way as the other options were not good enough but that's not a big problem and everything got correctly installed.

    Don't scare people as I think the x86_64 works very well even being still a beta. That are just my impressions.


      Re: feisty 64 install


      I'm not trying (at least consciously) to scare anyone away. Even with all the hassles I will be sticking with it.
      I just wanted to point out some pitfalls that I ran into and maybe others will avoid or know how to work around.


        Re: feisty 64 install

        I had great success installing Feisty (one each of Kubuntu 32-bit and Ubuntu 64-bit) on my Core 2 Extreme system, with Nvidia 7900GS graphics card.

        But, having bitter experience from Edgy, I have learned to do the basic installation in VESA graphics mode (NO AUTODETECTING!), then to do all the updates and upgrades, before dealing with the video driver issues.

        When the Feisty system is fully installed, and updated, including with the linux-restricted-modules, THEN AND ONLY THEN I do I install graphics drivers. The new nvidia-glx is excellent, for me, since it includes the newest Nvidia driver 1.0-9755. And you need to have the graphics, including screen resolution and refresh all finished and working right before attempting Beryl or Compiz installation.

        That's my experience -- I'm delighted with my Feisty system(s). 8)


          Re: feisty 64 install


          Maybe you could shed some light on whats been happening with my feisty 64 install. At this point I have almost all things working but had to do a lot manually to get it to work. For instance, I had to delete my user id and recreate because I couldn't do anything after logging in. Little things like that. I still have one issue.
          When I boot normally, I get as far as the Nvidia splash screen then the system locks up tight. Only hitting the reset button gets me going again (nope can't do cntrl-alt-F1 or F2 or F3).
          But when I boot in recovery mode and get to the command line, then do "telinit 3" the system comes up just fine.
          Welcome to my world........ :-)
          system is AMD 64 x2 with Nvidia 7300 GT 512 (9755 driver)

