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Desk Top Installation

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    Desk Top Installation

    Is there a post or site that can explain step by step on how to install these coolazz desktops, that I seriously want, In my home folder I have a linkbar off to the left..I followed the KDE links to KDE Eye Candy... I found this theme called DP Reloaded..

    There isn't much on how to install or wich one to down load..talks about Domino..
    and other stuff hat it says is needed to install... I dont know what is what but I have commited to this and really need help..TIA

    Re: Desk Top Installation

    First off, extract the contents of the tar file you downloaded for DP-reloaded. In there you will find a quite detailed set of instructions. I think the only thing you will need to install is the domino style(see the link below), and the only difference is that where it calls for you to open 'kcontrol', use System Settings instead to locate the configuration sections you will need to use


      Re: Desk Top Installation

      ok really.. Listen..I have the tar extracted ..and I did find the read me file, thats not really the problem.. how can I know waether I have what it needs to be installed and HOW to install it.
      I downloaded the domino tars, they have some debian logo on them, in red..but where do they go?..
      Do I place them inside some control folder?
      I just dont know what to do with the stuff...or if I even have the right stuff downloaded... at the top of my post i asked for step by step instructions as to help but thats just the way of the noobies... I need pictures!

      Originally posted by claydoh
      First off, extract the contents of the tar file you downloaded for DP-reloaded. In there you will find a quite detailed set of instructions. I think the only thing you will need to install is the domino style(see the link below), and the only difference is that where it calls for you to open 'kcontrol', use System Settings instead to locate the configuration sections you will need to use
      All sounds alien to me... come again?...

      again..Thank you all in advance..


        Re: Desk Top Installation

        if you get files with a debian logo on them they are not tars per se, they are debian packages (*ubuntu distros also use these types of packages). second, you don't have to "put them somewhere". you just install them. prolly the easiest way is just to right click on one (or more), and go to Kubuntu Package Menu --> Install Package.

        (btw, you can also see the package dependencies [whats required to install the package] by going to the same menu and choosing "Show Package Info").
        <br />


          Re: Desk Top Installation

          Yes disturbedite is correct. You only need to install that one package (it is the only thing missing in a stock Kubuntu) the rest is (as per the readme) basically all in tweaking settings to achieve the desired look.

          Here is a wiki link with some info on software installlation Adept manager is your window on what is installed and what is available to be installed.

 is a great resource, even if it may seem a bit tough finding some kubuntu-related info. There are, however, pictures in many of the pages


            Re: Desk Top Installation

            what is a kicker?


              Re: Desk Top Installation

              your 'taskbar'


                Re: Desk Top Installation

                thank u.. took me a few days..but my desktop ..looks better than msbunk.. once I figure out how to screenshot my desk top..I'll post a shot


                  Re: Desk Top Installation

                  ksnapshot should do the trick for a screen shot. Under "Graphics" in the menu.


                    Re: Desk Top Installation

                    Is there a post or site that can explain step by step on how to install
                    I thought DP Reloaded was pretty nice too and managed to get the whole thing installed. The hardest part was the KBFX Sphinx menu. I had a whole bunch of dependency problems but eventually I got it. Here is a tutorial.
                    Hope it helps.


                      Re: Desk Top Installation

                      Hey Birk, Thank you much..VERY helpful but a little to late for me..I figured it out..drove me nuts but I'm earning my stripes. here are 2 screenshots of what i finished up with..


                      Thanks again...

