Since upgrading to the latest kernel 2.6.20-13, I have run into a little problem with vmware. I am use to rerunning the vmware script each time I upgrade the kernel but this time it's different.
Now when I run the vmware script it can't find the include files. The include directory does not match the runnng kernel name (or at least the name vmware is looking for). I looked into this and where vmware looks to find 2.6.20-13-generic it finds instead 2.6.20-13-386. Now in the past kubuntu has been ok with keeping the names the same but it looks like it's changing.
So anyone have a work around for this besides booting to a lesser kernel or changing the vmware scripts?
Since upgrading to the latest kernel 2.6.20-13, I have run into a little problem with vmware. I am use to rerunning the vmware script each time I upgrade the kernel but this time it's different.
Now when I run the vmware script it can't find the include files. The include directory does not match the runnng kernel name (or at least the name vmware is looking for). I looked into this and where vmware looks to find 2.6.20-13-generic it finds instead 2.6.20-13-386. Now in the past kubuntu has been ok with keeping the names the same but it looks like it's changing.
So anyone have a work around for this besides booting to a lesser kernel or changing the vmware scripts?