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Feisty beta fun!

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    Feisty beta fun!

    Kubuntu 7.04 beta fun day 1&2:

    Well... installed kubuntu Feisty beta and everything went fine. I installed all the other goodies and codecs (it's a great help that the universe and multiverse are enabled by default!) I then went for the linux-restricted-modules for generic kernel to get 3D accel.... everything beautiful!... said to myself. hey! they're getting better with each release! First day honeymoon!

    On day 2 came the upgrades, and with it the 2.6.20-13 kernel... upgraded, rebooted, and bam! no X!!! Ok, let's reinstall the drivers... nothing!... no X! . Well, let's boot back to old faithfull 2.6.20-12, there must be a bug in -13 I thought. Rebooted to the previous kernel just to see the black screen with the Kubuntu login prompt... man, what a pain!!! us beta-testers must be masochists!... ok, ok, let's take it easy: sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-glx linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-12-generic. Now let's reinstall and sudo nvidia-xconfig... sorry dude, still no X!... "no devices found" it said. OK, now let's check dmesg, lspci, lshw... yeah, it's there, well, I'll use my xorg.conf backup and go back to the nv driver and try to fix things through KDE.
    I am back with X with a lousy resolution, and very tired of this up and down, back and forth stuff with the "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" tool and 5 different xorg.conf files and backups ... I'll just call it quits for the day and shut this thing down, but, surprise!... it won't go down!.. just a black screen with no logo. Waited for about 5 minutes and nothing. CTRL+ALT+F1... no tty's! Well, it's time for the "index finger reboot", press the button and wait... at least it's working, it must have been one of those crazy things that happen occasionally I said to myself, so now let's shut down, tomorrow is another day, but to no avail, the darned machine won't go down > . Man, I must have broke something, if it was only an X problem I'd try to work it out somehow, but when the machine won't reboot or halt, man, I'm without ideas! Well, but as I have a separate /home partition I'll just do another clean install and start tomorrow from "0", so I'll just keep the start button pressed for some seconds until it stops "breathing".

    Kubuntu 7-04 beta fun day 3:

    Clean reinstall with no frills added and the regular nv driver, nice and clean!... no java, no flash, no codecs, no neat KDM login screen... only firefox! OK, let's reboot.... beautiful!, shutdown... perfect! Here we go again...
    that nice little adept update icon keeps telling me there's 122 upgradeable packages, what should I do? Hey man, you're a beta tester, aren't you? 8)... go ahead and upgrade! What can go wrong? You don't have the 3D accelerated driver yet!...go ahead... hit the button!
    ...about 20 minutes later the upgrade got completed. Booted to the 2.6.20-13 kernel... so far so good... rebooted to try out the old 2.6.20-12 kernel... black screen with no logo!!! >. Finger reboot to the -12 kernel and everything checks out OK, click the shutdown button>>> refuses to die!!>>> black screen again! .

    ...well, at least I know the reboot/shutdown problem has nothing to do with the nvidia binary drivers!

    Can somebody throw some light of hope on this poor lost soul? Help appreciated...

    Re: Feisty beta fun!

    OK, I noticed you said NVIDIA. Have you been able to at least boot from the Live CD? I can't and have had similar experiences with it. Mine is an NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200. Get to where X starts and I get Black Screen. It really must be something with NVIDIA drivers. I do get an "Invalide Mode" from my monitor which usually means the resolution is set wrong. How to fix!!!


      Re: Feisty beta fun!

      I had the shutdown/halt problem back in 2.6.17-10, it was presumably not a problem in -11, but now I have it in Feisty.
      Here’s (a copy of) the solution I used in 6.10:

      Log into your Kubuntu 6.10. Open Konqueror. Navigate to /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc
      Right-click on that file, Actions, Edit as root
      Remove the # from the line #TerminateServer=True
      File, Save, Re-boot.
      (For me, it didn’t re-boot--same problem--so I pressed the Reset button on my PC case.)
      After that, both re-boot and shutdown worked in my Kubuntu 6.10

      Also rumored to work: 915resolution (do you have one of these Intel mobos?)

      I’m also playing with Feisty and breaking Adept Manager and other things.

      At Konsole, of course,
      sudo shutdown –r now #to reboot
      sudo shutdown –h now #to turn off PC

      I don’t have the nVidia issue, as my Intel D915GAVL has embedded graphics and I have no other card.
      Wish I could be more help, but I’m new at this and also having some strange problems here.
      An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


        Re: Feisty beta fun!

        For Feisty-Nvidia issues, there may be some pointers in this thread:

        My Feisty Beta day 1 (with -12) was great, and day 2 (with -13) was a bad scene, just as nejode has so eloquently described.

        On my system (Intel mobo, Intel X6800 CPU, Nvidia Ge7900GS), the -generic kernel works substantially better, running both CPU cores, etc. HOWEVER, the nvida-glx driver in the repos brings the -386 kernel with it when you install it, and at the next reboot that's the one on top of the boot menu list, and stuff goes downhill thereafter. So I had to first change to VESA driver, then remove all things nvidia-glx and kernel-386, then get my current -generic packages including the -restricted modules, and then reinstall the Nvidia proprietary driver to fix it. Now Beryl is humming once again and all is well. I'm getting 9700 fps out of glxgears, not that I entirely believe what it outputs, but it's an interesting number.

        I don't know how to advise if you can't even boot the live CD, moonrise. I guess I'd try making an Edgy live CD, and bide my time (assuming that even works). Maybe if you could get Edgy running, and then do a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, you might get to a working Feisty system. I dunno ....



          Re: Feisty beta fun!

          for my system when the kernel upgrade came out the new kernel-restricted package was not installed. I restarted with the -12 version and worked for a day then the update for the restricted modules came out the next day and where installed. restarted to the -13 kernel and all was great.

          you need the restricted modules for the nvidia kernel module to use the nvidia-glx module


            Re: Feisty beta fun!

            I have 6.10 installed already I just don't want to upgrade without seeing how 7.04 will perform. Testing on other machines, I really like what 7.04 offers, but I'm reading so many NVIDIA problems and can't get the Live CD to work myself, I'm thinking I'll just stay with 6.10.


              Re: Feisty beta fun!

              My graphics card is a XFX nvidia GForce MX-4000 (N18 in xorg terms) and I booted and installed with the Live CD without problems, Your FX-5200 is a card with which I haven't had any issues, your machine should boot easily. Where there are problems is when the motherboard has integrated Intel graphics and an nvidia AGP or PCI card, then sometimes you have to do some tweaking and blacklist your intel graphics. If that's your case, I could find and give you a link that can help. Anyhow, in the meanwhile you could try pressing F4 on the wellcome screen and selecting 800X600X16 and see if goes through, if that does not work, try the VGA option.
              Please come back and tell us how it went...

              Thanks for your answer. I tried out what you said and uncommented the line:

              # Restart instead of resetting the local X-server after session exit.
              # Use it if the server leaks memory etc.
              # Default is false

              ...but it didn't work either, I'll keep investigating or waiting for a bugfix, but it should be a KDE-KDM problem because if I kill the X server (sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop) and type "sudo reboot" or "sudo halt" it works perfectly. I'm beginning to think upslash hangs when the machine is going down. I have no integrated graphics (MSI KT-6 MoBo, VIA chipset) so that shouldn't be the problem.

              I didn't have to live through your karma with the -386 kernel and restricted-modules because luckily I read this before (in this page:
              "Find the appropriate module for your kernel. For example, if you have linux-image-amd64-k8 installed, then you should install linux-restricted-modules-amd64-k8. Selecting one will also install nvidia-kernel-common. (Note: you have to select the restricted modules first because the nvidia-glx package automatically installs the i386 one - and if you have a generic kernel image, the X will not work.)"
              ...although it still gave me a pain in youknowwhere.

              man, you had better timing and patience than me, if I had waited for a day, it would have been a lot easier on me.

              everybody for your help/comments...


                Re: Feisty beta fun!

                As you can see, we are not alone:


                At least I got things running with the -9631 driver from the nvidia site!


                ...but there's many others having a bad time...


                  Re: Feisty beta fun!

                  Thanks - glad to hear you've something functional, nejode. I attempted again last night to install nvidia-glx and use it, since it now has the latest driver and I have the GeF7900GS card. But no joy -- I actually don't know why it didn't work correctly, but I got no driver utility, no ability do anything beyond twiddling xorg.conf by hand. Beryl wouldn't even think about running on that setup.

                  I went back to a VESA xorg driver, and while running that way removed all the nvidia-glx stuff, re-installed the proprietary -9755 driver (after making damn sure I had the linux-headers and linux-restricted packages for my -generic kernel), and VOILA! -- everything came together perfectly this time. Beryl and Emerald are loving it, the driver utility gives me total control of the monitor and overclocking, and all is well again.

                  Moreover, it looks like the latest updates have fixed the kooka issue I was having. Last week it would only offer my webcam -- now it sees my Epson 1640SU and works great.

                  Next test -- I wonder if I can burn a CD yet with K3b? .... we'll soon find out!


                    Re: Feisty beta fun!

                    OK. I've learned learned the shortcut keys to change resolution once booted. I now can see the Feisty DT under Kubuntu. Ubuntu worked once and started the same thing as Kubuntu, so I think it is the type of Monitor I'm using. Anyway, under Kubuntu, everything works fine even the OpenGL screen savers. This isn't using the NVIDIA driver but the built in NV. It runs slugginsh, but works. I'm kind of concerned. I use NVIDIA because it has always been a better graphics device than ATI or any others that I have used and always did well under all the different versions of Kubuntu I've used since just before Hoary. I hope this isn't a trend.


                      Re: Feisty beta fun!

                      WOW -- color me IMPRESSED with the new & improved K3b! Screen shot attached (I hope).
                      Attached Files


                        Re: Feisty beta fun!

                        > Very disappointed with new Beta.. I chose the alternate CD, have 6 internal drives.. 4X74GB 2X250GB ... wanted to set up the 4X74GB as follows: 2X1GB = raid1 for /boot, 2X1GB = raid1 for swap, and 4X73GB = raid5 for root... wanted to use reiserfs for root, ext2 for /boot... after 48 hours of pure torture, I gave up.. the partitioning program has totally lost it's mind, was only able to get a partial raid install (/boot and swap were normal, root was raid5 ext3)... but after getting it up & running, it was buggy, sound didn't work, performance really sucked.. finally I just gave up in frustration and am now back to my original config... looks like this release has a FAR way to go before it will ever work well.

