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knetworkmanager wireless

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    knetworkmanager wireless

    I have worked around this problem by uninstaling knetworkmanager. The problem is that by installing knetworkmanager (I am running feisty herd 5 on a pc with an RT2500 pci wireless adapter) I lose all networking.
    By that I mean, that if I have wireless networking working (which it usually is), and I install knetworkmanager, it kills my connection and then it won't find or connect to my router. I then have to uninstall and reboot, then I get my network back by using wireless assistant (it finds and then connects me to my router). For some reason the wireless does not start on it's own after a reboot. But thats something else right now. Another odd thing is that when I have knetworkmanager installed, it also stops the wireless assistant from working. It kills all my wireless networking.
    Now I have cleared out my /etc/network/interfaces file of everything except the LO info and that hasn't helped. I have tried setting up knetworkmanager with wep and without wep (my wireless is setup with wep) and still no joy. I have also uninstalled wireless assistant and just tried knetworkmanager with the same results.
    So I was wondering if anyone else out there might be having the same problems?

    Re: knetworkmanager wireless

    I have the same problem > Is frightening this close to release! I uninstalled KNM that stuffed everything up & had no networking. Now I have this stupid kwallet asking for a password to access my Wireless connection but wired is ok. I hope this is not the direction Kubuntu is taking with wireless otherwise Ill have to do a modded Ubuntu install

    The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 7859, registered Linux user 470405 Lenovo T510 Kubuntu Trusty 64bit, Intel Core i5-560M, 8 GB PC3-DDR3 SDRAM - 1067 MHz, NVIDIA NVS 3100m PCI Express, Wireless Centrino N 6300 My website


      Re: knetworkmanager wireless

      Since a couple of updates ago I don't get wireless on startup. When I put the settings in system settings/network settings they are forgotten on reboot. A big thumbs down on this one.

      However, all is not lost. Install the wireless assistant (package name wlassistant) and you will have a user-friendly way to go about things. Use that to connect up instead.

      OK, on startup you need to run it to connect but a lot less messing about, especially if you use a laptop and use multiple wi-fi connections.



        Re: knetworkmanager wireless

        Funny, I never get kpassword manager asking for password. And my workaround is to use wireless assistant.
        I was just wondering if anyone has found out why it doesn't work. Seems we are to exception to the rule that it works. Also this is on a pc not a laptop.


          Re: knetworkmanager wireless

          Many have had problems with Feisty and wireless. Go to Ubuntu forums, specifically the Feisty area, you will see quite a few post and various ways people got their wireless to work.


            Re: knetworkmanager wireless

            Well another day another realization. I read somewhere (and I can't remember where. it might have been here.) that knetworkmanager is/was broken and is kinda a work in progress.
            Today I downloaded the upgrades for feisty and for kicks re-installed knetworkmanager. Well to my surprise, it works kinda sorta maybe.......... It doesn't kill my networking now. It also doesn't show any available networks but if I click on "static connection" and start networking form there it works. I'm online now.
            I'm sure it's just a lot of churn before the big release date. I am not concerned about it, it was just at the very begining it was very annoying.

