I am using Feisty 2 days now, it seems promising. Then, I have some suggestions to try make it better:
From the point of usability the system works fine, applications often crash (mostly kcm modules) but that is understood, I have patience. But even then, the level of crashing is not that bad knowing the release is release candidate. I had troubles settings my printer, HP 1020 LaserJet the worst linux supported printer (I don't blame the FLOSS community here, they did their job by providing drivers/firmware for this printer). Although the driver is pretty good, fast and cheap, the default package of foo2zjs in *Ubuntu is without the needed firmware, since it is proprietary. There are other third party packages to get this done. HP should consider pay more attention for cases as this. Now using Cups, the printer works fine.
Another common Kubuntu problem (not really Feisty related) is the startup of Firefox. It is way to slow. If pure Debian and Slackware start it in max 3 seconds, Kubuntu needs ~10 seconds on my computer to start Firefox. I know that it might be caused by the fact that Firefox is XUL-Gtk built and needs to load its libraries, but we can workout something for this case. Konqueror from other side, seems better than ever. Only that I am addicted to FF's extensions, otherwise I'd switch to Konqi.
Then, I do believe this minds everyone that wants to know what their computer does, and that is the splash screen of *Ubuntu that since Edgy is without the ability to show verbose startup information. I know that I can downgrade the usplash package, but that is not good, is it?
Kopete - this new theme thing just doesn't look good. Themes are good idea for Kopete, but when you open the contact list the first time you get scared by how Kopete looks like now by default. Easily solved problem, just being default look is bad idea, IMHO.
The new features such as startup activation feedback of the icons and the Logout fadout thing are great, they'd do great job for eyecandy freaks (I might be such too).
So far, so good, for any further suggestions and ideas I'd let you know, hope this feedback will help somehow
From the point of usability the system works fine, applications often crash (mostly kcm modules) but that is understood, I have patience. But even then, the level of crashing is not that bad knowing the release is release candidate. I had troubles settings my printer, HP 1020 LaserJet the worst linux supported printer (I don't blame the FLOSS community here, they did their job by providing drivers/firmware for this printer). Although the driver is pretty good, fast and cheap, the default package of foo2zjs in *Ubuntu is without the needed firmware, since it is proprietary. There are other third party packages to get this done. HP should consider pay more attention for cases as this. Now using Cups, the printer works fine.
Another common Kubuntu problem (not really Feisty related) is the startup of Firefox. It is way to slow. If pure Debian and Slackware start it in max 3 seconds, Kubuntu needs ~10 seconds on my computer to start Firefox. I know that it might be caused by the fact that Firefox is XUL-Gtk built and needs to load its libraries, but we can workout something for this case. Konqueror from other side, seems better than ever. Only that I am addicted to FF's extensions, otherwise I'd switch to Konqi.
Then, I do believe this minds everyone that wants to know what their computer does, and that is the splash screen of *Ubuntu that since Edgy is without the ability to show verbose startup information. I know that I can downgrade the usplash package, but that is not good, is it?
Kopete - this new theme thing just doesn't look good. Themes are good idea for Kopete, but when you open the contact list the first time you get scared by how Kopete looks like now by default. Easily solved problem, just being default look is bad idea, IMHO.
The new features such as startup activation feedback of the icons and the Logout fadout thing are great, they'd do great job for eyecandy freaks (I might be such too).
So far, so good, for any further suggestions and ideas I'd let you know, hope this feedback will help somehow
