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I think we've lost Adept Updater again ...

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    I think we've lost Adept Updater again ...

    This morning's release of Feisty updates seems to be generating the "Nice value out of range" error in Adept Updater that we saw a week ago -- are others getting that on Herd 5 installations?

    Re: I think we've lost Adept Updater again ...

    Yep, I am.

    I submitted the bug report via the automatic reporting tool, and Noticed that others had already submitted it, so likely this one will get nailed down quickly.


      Re: I think we've lost Adept Updater again ...

      Me too!


        Re: I think we've lost Adept Updater again ...

        Hello all, having the same problem here. Did however seem to have downloaded about 65 updates, i am running Feisty 4, by using sudo aptitude. Not sure if that means anuthung to anyone.
        But nonetheless great job developers, thanks


          Re: I think we've lost Adept Updater again ...

          Hi, it must be working again. downloading updates as i am writing this
          Intel DG41TY Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 @ 2.66 GHz 3.9 GiB of RAM


            Re: I think we've lost Adept Updater again ...

            i thought this was perl related, not adept? maybe i'm wrong. i got it today too, but i switched debconf back to dialog and updated without error.
            <br />


              Re: I think we've lost Adept Updater again ...

              Now works for me - however I did the update by using apt-get dist-upgrade, rather than adept.



                Re: I think we've lost Adept Updater again ...

                bonjour see my post
                Re: Adept Manager and pakage updates fualt.
                « Reply #3 on: Today at 01:50:48 pm »

                ARGH! that error box has appeared again " Debconf on mreko, Incorrect Nice Value, Please Enter a Integer between -20 and 19"

                Help - doesnt do any thing

                Back - Is grayed out

                Next - doesnt do anything eaither

                Cancel - when clicking cancel the box reappears then eventually it states " There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages. "

                i noticed when looking at adept manger it has getting up to the "X11-Common..." in the updates bar, im guessing this is what is causing this, can any one help? or does this now mean i have to update via root untill theres a fix

                cheers Mr eko787 "

                any one know what the crack is for this.


                Mr eko rip


                  Re: I think we've lost Adept Updater again ...

                  Originally posted by The Liquidator
                  Now works for me - however I did the update by using apt-get dist-upgrade, rather than adept.

                  Follow what Liquidator did and you should be fine.

                  FYI, just downloaded updates and noticed there were several adept packages. Maybe things are fixed.


                    Re: I think we've lost Adept Updater again ...

                    I don't think I'll go back to Adept (although I actually prefer it) until Feisty is out the door.


                      Re: I think we've lost Adept Updater again ...

                      I can't do either. The updates (127 of them) seem stuck. I tried apt, adept, per above, but get error messages like those received yesterday. Is there any way to clean it out or should I just wait for things to be fixed?


                        Re: I think we've lost Adept Updater again ...

                        Okay. I fixed it by rebooting and then NOT using Adept but Apt instead at the command line as suggested above. This worked and they finished downloading and installed. I also do not think I will trust Adept again until release time...


                          Re: I think we've lost Adept Updater again ...

                          adept has been rather buggy lately, but keep in mind you're using a testing release and its not meant for every day use! unelss of course you know your way around very well.
                          <br />


                            Re: I think we've lost Adept Updater again ...

                            Originally posted by disturbedite
                            you're using a testing release
                            Which is why I tend to give Adept at least "one chance per day"
                            - and revert to Synaptic to clean up the mess afterwards ... 8)


                              Re: I think we've lost Adept Updater again ...

                              i've thought about trying synaptic, cuz adept leaves some things to be desired, but i'm not sure if it conflicts with adept. if you're using it, i guess it doesn't?
                              <br />

