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KNetworkManager not working

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    KNetworkManager not working

    The KNetwork manager icon has been on my tray for awhile. It has always reported "disconnected" and "no network device found", and this is not the truth. That's ok, but now since Herd #3 it is advertised in the release notes and so I suspect that it should work at least on some degree. Is this a common behavior? Or should I file a bug...

    Re: KNetworkManager not working

    well with the regular daily updates since herd 3, knetworkmanager now is working for me (wired network), so I suggest doing a dist-upgrade and pull in the many updates.


      Re: KNetworkManager not working

      I commented on this on the feedback page. I was very happy to see KNetworkManager work out of the box with my new HP laptop. I purchased one a few weeks ago with an AMD-64 dual core Turion, Nvidia chipset and a Broadcom wifi. I tried loading about a dozen different distros before I finally gave up and returned the unit for the same model equipped with a full Intel setup (Core 2 duo, Intel wifi and video).

      I installed Fiesty and found KNetworkmanager not only detected my wifi out of the gate, but when I added the WEP key, KWallet opened, asked me for a password, and I haven't had to submit the WEP key since. I'm impressed with this because the KWallet feature never seems to work in Sabayon, and I finally just shut it off. I haven't had to plug the ethernet cable in yet.

      So far, very nice.
      Joe<br />in Florida


        Re: KNetworkManager not working

        Then it's a bug that I'm experiencing. This certainly would be a nice feature to have working, not essential for me. The features looked nice on the KNetworkManager page.

        Edit: Seems to be happening to some others as well, posted issue as a follow-up to a existing bug (


          Re: KNetworkManager not working

          hello everybody,

          i use kubuntu too (but i have dapper) and i didn't install KNetworkManager yet, but i saw that network-manager-gnome is another application that handles wireless connections. can i install that? any problem? is it better that KNetworkManager?

          thank you


            Re: KNetworkManager not working

            Network-manager-gnome is the same thing. KNetworkManager is just the interface for KDE. In fact, correct me if I'm wrong, but NetworkManager is a gnome application build for that interface. The KDE folks simply built a KDE interface for it.
            Joe<br />in Florida


              Re: KNetworkManager not working

              As of today the KNetworkManager is fixed to correctly identify static wired connections! At least for me! But the application still seems to need some fine tuning. Not a big problem but since I don't have anything that could get wireless network signals it would seem clearer to just disable the wireless options for me. It could confuse people.


                Re: KNetworkManager not working

                I upgraded from Edgy to Feisty & did not have KNetworkManager installed, this pricked my attention so i installed it! Instantly I lost all IP connectivity I thought ok so I did a /etc/init.d/networking restart no good so I did the Microsoft thing & rebooted, still no good next step apt-get remove knetworkmanager & restarted networking again & I'm now posting to you! I don't know what this KNetworkManager is but it seems like a real winner to me

                The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 7859, registered Linux user 470405 Lenovo T510 Kubuntu Trusty 64bit, Intel Core i5-560M, 8 GB PC3-DDR3 SDRAM - 1067 MHz, NVIDIA NVS 3100m PCI Express, Wireless Centrino N 6300 My website


                  Re: KNetworkManager not working

                  Try this to get KNM running:

                  Remove all lines from your /etc/network/interfaces until the four lines below are the only ones in the file.

                  auto lo
                  iface lo inet loopback

                  maybe you have to restart KNM to get lucky.


                    Re: KNetworkManager not working

                    I have cleaned out my interfaces file, & setup the KNWM with my details. So far so good. Will see if it still works after reboot

                    The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 7859, registered Linux user 470405 Lenovo T510 Kubuntu Trusty 64bit, Intel Core i5-560M, 8 GB PC3-DDR3 SDRAM - 1067 MHz, NVIDIA NVS 3100m PCI Express, Wireless Centrino N 6300 My website


                      Re: KNetworkManager not working

                      Ok it works of sorts! It asks me to supply my kwallet password WTF I then fires up & connects. Seems like a file permission issue.

                      The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 7859, registered Linux user 470405 Lenovo T510 Kubuntu Trusty 64bit, Intel Core i5-560M, 8 GB PC3-DDR3 SDRAM - 1067 MHz, NVIDIA NVS 3100m PCI Express, Wireless Centrino N 6300 My website


                        Re: KNetworkManager not working

                        Do you use a secure wireless connection? Kwallet comes up for me on the laptop as the WEP key is stored in it and as soon as I boot and it tries to connect, kwallet wants the password prior to connection.


                          Re: KNetworkManager not working

                          Thats my problem now how to fix it

                          The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 7859, registered Linux user 470405 Lenovo T510 Kubuntu Trusty 64bit, Intel Core i5-560M, 8 GB PC3-DDR3 SDRAM - 1067 MHz, NVIDIA NVS 3100m PCI Express, Wireless Centrino N 6300 My website


                            Re: KNetworkManager not working

                            Not sure what you are asking Cary, Every install of feisty I've done on my laptop, knetworkmanager has automatically started once feisty was installed and rebooted. The first time I click on the icon at the bottom I see my network listed and choose it. My network is password protected with a WEP key that I set up when I installed my router. It asks me to input my key and then kwallet opens and wants to store the key under a universal password. I set up a universal password and when I connect from then on, kwallet opens, I put in my universal password which lets kwallet put in my wep key in the network manager and I'm connected. If you have an open network with no password protection, kwallet, I don't think should open. I don't know how to stop it from opening, I like it opening because I don't have to remember a number of passwords. They're all stored under the universal password in kwallet.


                              Re: KNetworkManager not working

                              I guess I'm used to it just working like before! there are some services (NTP) etc that need the network up before logon. I guess that because I have authenticated by logging on I shouldn't need to 2nd authenticate to bring up my wireless network. It is just a hindrance!

                              The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 7859, registered Linux user 470405 Lenovo T510 Kubuntu Trusty 64bit, Intel Core i5-560M, 8 GB PC3-DDR3 SDRAM - 1067 MHz, NVIDIA NVS 3100m PCI Express, Wireless Centrino N 6300 My website

