I´m new at Kubuntu and would like to convert my home network from Windows XP and I have just been using Feisty Fawn for just 3 and 1/2 months only. I´ve not really mastered it yet and its pretty frustrating that I´ not having the same issues with Windows. I´m taking baby steps to do just that and currently I´m trying to enable my wireless network PCMCIA device for wifi. I think I´ve got most of the software installed and running but for still the system is not enabling the wireless network device in systems settings. I AM TOTALLY LOST. Need help real bad thanks.
I´m new at Kubuntu and would like to convert my home network from Windows XP and I have just been using Feisty Fawn for just 3 and 1/2 months only. I´ve not really mastered it yet and its pretty frustrating that I´ not having the same issues with Windows. I´m taking baby steps to do just that and currently I´m trying to enable my wireless network PCMCIA device for wifi. I think I´ve got most of the software installed and running but for still the system is not enabling the wireless network device in systems settings. I AM TOTALLY LOST. Need help real bad thanks.