I have a WAG311 (AR5212 a/b/g PCI) on my kubuntu 7.04 fully updated.
This card is working fine (no problem to establish a connexion with my AP, surf is ok and download/upload really good)
But, if i stop using my network connexion for a short time (few minutes), then no more surf (pinging my access point is ok but no name resolution through the dns of my provider). KNetworkManager show my connexion as established.
After few requests on my network (refresh a web page 4 or 5 time) then the KNetworkManager icon goes animated and i see the different connexion step in an info bubble.
Sorry for my english, i'm french ;o)
I have a WAG311 (AR5212 a/b/g PCI) on my kubuntu 7.04 fully updated.
This card is working fine (no problem to establish a connexion with my AP, surf is ok and download/upload really good)
But, if i stop using my network connexion for a short time (few minutes), then no more surf (pinging my access point is ok but no name resolution through the dns of my provider). KNetworkManager show my connexion as established.
After few requests on my network (refresh a web page 4 or 5 time) then the KNetworkManager icon goes animated and i see the different connexion step in an info bubble.
Sorry for my english, i'm french ;o)