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Wireless Croaked Overnight

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    Wireless Croaked Overnight

    Installed a new wireless card about 6 days ago. It was running flawlessly (actually better under Kubuntu than on my WinXP machines) on my Feisty Fawn system, which had been upgraded (rather than a fresh install) from Edgy. Because I was on an ethernet connection at the time, Kwifimanger was not installed.

    When I installed the wireless card, Kwifimanager was still not installed, and as I said previously, it was working flawlessly through shutdown last night. Upon powering up the machine this morning, it has gone south. I confirmed that the wireless card was OK by rebooting into WinXP, and it was working fine there.

    I have entered System Settings > Network Settings countless times trying to get this to work. The ath0 device does not show an IP address for the default gateway, and despite setting it numerous times (in Administrator Mode) and applying the change, it will not stick. To boot, even though I've applied the changes, when I go back to the System Settings Overview page, it always tells me there are uncommitted changes. I then click Apply once again, and I'm notified that it's restarting the network, which takes quite a while to complete.

    This appears to be somewhat similar to another wireless thread (

    Interestingly, if I reboot with 2.6.20-16-generic (recovery mode), it has the proper default gateway IP address, and the wireless card picks up an IP address via DHCP as it should.

    I've since installed Kwifimanager, but it hasn't changed the situation.

    Any ideas??
    Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis.

    Re: Wireless Croaked Overnight

    There's something rotten in Kubuntu wireless networking (refer to topic 3084207), because it sounds all too familiar. I'm guessing that something I've upgraded recently with Adept has thrown a major monkey wrench into the works.

    I was finally able to get access again by forcing my local IP address, not letting DHCP assign one. Ever since, though, my Kubuntu PC is bringing the network to its knees, requiring numerous power recycles on the DSL modem/router. I can bring up KWiFiManager immediately after connecting and it shows the 54 Mbps speed. Thereafter, it just gradually starts dropping, will fluctuate a bit up and down, but eventually get down to less than 5.5 Mbps. At that point the graph turns orange and eventually the network grinds to a halt. Even my wife's WinXP PC gets knocked off.

    My Kubuntu PC is a dual-boot, and to check it out, I rebooted into WinXP several hours ago and it's crunching away just fine - no network troubles.

    Does anyone have the slightest idea what's going on?
    Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis.

