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Network not working - unsolved!

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    Network not working - unsolved!

    Hi, I'm on a wired connection to my router, a normal config through Kubuntu..
    For some reason the connection refuses to work.. Whenever I try to configure it on network manager my changes go unsaved and I cant do anything about it... here are all the details in a previous post I've made in Ubuntu forums:

    Somebody please help me, I've tried EVERYTHING and I honestly dont understand why this problem is occurring.. Your help is appreciated

    Re: Network not working - unsolved!

    My thoughts on this are that the network settings within system settings and the setup screen in knetwork manager are actually 2 instances of the same thing. I had a devil of a job with knetwork manager installed, the system would forget my wireless router settings. My theory is that the 2 conflicted.

    As a starting point try uninstalling knetworkmanager and just configuring your network via system settings.

    That help?



      Re: Network not working - unsolved!

      I seem to remember reading somewhere that knetworkmanager prefers to work alone (no other network managers or entries through System Settings). I also vaguely remember that the interfaces file had to have no entries in it. As a matter of fact, here is my interfaces file and knetworkmanager works very well. I can't say perfect because it has it's moments, but for the most part very well.

      auto lo
      iface lo inet loopback


        Re: Network not working - unsolved!

        From what you posted on the ubuntu forum, you are not pulling an ip address from your router--I'm assuming you're using DHCP.

        I would stop knetworkmanager, no need to uninstall and then see if you can start your network manually. In Konsole

        sudo ifdown eth0 if it says "Network not configured" try to start with

        sudo ifup eth0 paste in a reply what it says.

        Are you dual booting? If so, try another OS to see if you can pull and ip. If all works in another OS, then you know the hardware (router, NIC, cables) are working ok and that it is an Kubuntu problem.



          Re: Network not working - unsolved!

          Im on DHCP, no dualboot.. All I can say that it worked before on my old Ubuntu live CD but it doesnt work now..

          Uninstalled Knetwork manager..
          Tried ifdown:

          RTNETLINK answers: No such process
          There is already a pid file /var/run/ with pid 6063
          killed oldclient process, removed PID file
          Listening on LPF/eth0/00:08:54:b3:7c:c3
          Sending on LPF/eth0/00:08:54:b3:7c:c3
          Sending on Socket/fallback
          and ifup
          There is already a pid file /var/run/ with pid 134993416
          Listening on LPF/eth0/00:08:54:b3:7c:c3
          Sending on LPF/eth0/00:08:54:b3:7c:c3
          DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 5
          DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 7
          DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 11
          NO DHCPOFFERS reveived
          No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.
          Why is it searching in when i specifically told it Please help, on the verge of getting rid of Kubuntu for good..


            Re: Network not working - unsolved!

            Did you designate your ethernet card in the ifup/down commands.

            Ex: ifdown eth0, ifup eth0


              Re: Network not working - unsolved!

              Long shot here, but what is in the iftab file? Does it list your NIC's correct MAC address?


                Re: Network not working - unsolved!

                either ifconfig or iwconfig for wireless.


                  Re: Network not working - unsolved!

                  I think I found out whats causing this very huge problem!

                  The fact that it suddenly stopped functioning like before is still baffling me though
                  The PC is an old Pentium3 700mhz, with 320mb ram and an intel mobo...

                  Now heres what I found out: Tried replacing the network card with another one.. The light on the new network card just keeps blinking when I boot and at later stages too..
                  When I tried running the livecd of a different linux distro (vector linux in this case) ethernet didnt work and the pc gave me beeping sounds..
                  They were in this sequence : 2-2-2.. Read about it, turns out its a bad memory problem

                  Experimented with removing the different ramslots on the pc, still the same problem is occuring.. Could I have a really old faulty motherboard that needs dishing out? Any ideas?


                    Re: Network not working - unsolved!

                    let's start from scratch.

                    1) go back to your old network card. If it was blinking, that probably means it was sending/receiving packets from your router. You should have lights on both your router's led that indicates an Ethernet connection.

                    2) What type of router is it? DSL, Cable, other?

                    3) Can our router be administered from a web browser? If so, what IP does it use? Should be something like or


                      Re: Network not working - unsolved!

                      Originally posted by adamsjw2
                      1) go back to your old network card. If it was blinking, that probably means it was sending/receiving packets from your router. You should have lights on both your router's led that indicates an Ethernet connection.
                      The Light was going back and forth as if it wasnt really working.. I'm not sure..

                      Originally posted by adamsjw2
                      2) What type of router is it? DSL, Cable, other?
                      Its a cable modem

                      Originally posted by adamsjw2
                      3) Can our router be administered from a web browser? If so, what IP does it use? Should be something like or
                      Yes like all routers it can, the address is but I cant access anything from my Linux PC


                        Re: Network not working - unsolved!

                        When I tried running the livecd of a different linux distro (vector linux in this case) ethernet didnt work and the pc gave me beeping sounds..
                        They were in this sequence : 2-2-2.. Read about it, turns out its a bad memory problem
                        How bad? Yes, it isn't fun to here the sequence beeps. Doesn't just mean the memory module itself or the slot? If just the memory, and you haven't done so yet, replace it and see what it does. It could also very well be both memory modules (or how ever many you have in there.)


                          Re: Network not working - unsolved!

                          I suspect something is being missed or there is something special about your setup. Have you read all the docs yet? I found this reference that looks like a good start.


                          'a turtle on the information highway since 1989'


                            Re: Network not working - unsolved!

                            Ive inserted the network card into another pci slot.. Now it gives me a constant green light - like the way its supposed to.. but still doesnt work.. Any ideas?


                              Re: Network not working - unsolved!

                              what about your cable? is it a crossover possibly?
                              If you have steady light on both your cable modem and the card, you're making the connection.
                              The next step is to revisit KDE Panel/System Settings/Network Connections and see if the NIC is recognized and then configure it and restart it with the apply button.

