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[Solved] user specific shared folder rights

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    [Solved] user specific shared folder rights


    I am a pretty new Kubuntu (linux in general) user. And have been using samba sharing on my kubuntu for a few months now..
    • Currently i have one user name n password to get access to all my shared folders on my kubuntu machine.
    • what i wanted to do is give specific read/write/no access rights to folders depending on the user name and password used to access the shared folders.
      i access the shared folders from both another kubuntu machine and a windows XP machine.
    • is there any detailed easy to understand tutorial or guide to help me out in this?

    Thanks for taking time to read my inquiry :-)

    Re: user specific shared folder rights

    Try this:

    I hope that helps.

    If you change your smb.conf, please do it manually because of this:

    I hope this helps
    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
    4 GB Ram
    Kubuntu 18.10


      Re: user specific shared folder rights

      hi, thanks for the links. :-) i now understand that to add a new user u need to do
      sudo useradd -s /bin/true guru
      sudo smbpasswd -L -a guru
      sudo smbpasswd -L -e guru
      here guru being a user i am adding.
      i already had a username 'ankur' which was being used to share all the folders till now.

      and i added guru user name to the samba share option after right clicking on the folder i wanted to share. {plz see attached img 'three.png'}

      but when i try to connect the folder via my windows box, it gives me the folowwing error {please see 'one.jpeg' n 'two.jpeg'}

      Please note that i have other folders also shared and they all work fine (under both user names 'ankur' n 'guru'). but only this folder is not accessable!

      What could i be doing wrong? i know its not a samba problem (i think), i feel the kubuntu machine is not letting me even view the folder either as ankur or guru.

      please help!
      Attached Files


        Re: user specific shared folder rights

        Could you post your /etc/samba/smb.conf so we can have a look?

        What kind file type is that folder you want to share? fat32, NTFS, or something else.
        HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
        4 GB Ram
        Kubuntu 18.10


          Re: user specific shared folder rights

          The file system is ext3 of that partition.

          The folder in question is '[MUSIC DUMP (175)]', below is the copy of the smb.conf

          workgroup = DESI
          [ABC DOWNLOAD local I]
          path = /home/ankur/ABC downloads/
          guest ok = yes
          [DROP FILES H]
          path = /home/ankur/drop files here/
          guest ok = yes
          read only = no
          path = /media/hdb6/ABC Downloads III/
          guest ok = yes
          [ABC DOWNLOAD IV (157)]
          path = /media/newhdd157gb/ABC Downloads IV (157GB)/
          guest ok = yes
          [MUSIC DUMP (175)]
          path = /media/newhdd157gb/Music dump
          guest ok = yes
          read only = no
          read list = ankur
          write list = guru
          case sensitive = no
          strict locking = no
          msdfs proxy = no


            Re: user specific shared folder rights

            If it is the "music dump" file that is giving you a problem and you are on Kubuntu Feisty, then you will have to comment out the line:
            msdfs proxy = no (to look like this: #msdfs proxy = no) as mentioned in the link I sent you.

            Furthermore ext3 files are not natively seen by windows xp so I assume you have a tool installed as this folder ([ABC DOWNLOAD IV (157)]) seems to work. If not google for one. There are plenty of info on this subject within google.

            I hope this helps you further
            HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
            4 GB Ram
            Kubuntu 18.10


              Re: user specific shared folder rights

              Fintan is right, this msdfs line is probably the culproght. But...

              You should probably change that box, above in the dialog that talks about unkown users to "Deny all" .

              As it is now, every user is able to see your share.



                Re: user specific shared folder rights

                right on javier, I missed that OOOOPS.
                When you modify that, check your smb.conf file again to make sure that
                "msdfs proxy = no" is not put back in. That is unfortunately part of the bug. If it was put back in comment it out again.
                HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                4 GB Ram
                Kubuntu 18.10


                  Re: user specific shared folder rights

                  Thanks :-) it worked. i commented the msdfs line and it works like a breeze!.

                  thanks for pointing it out. i tried to change the allow all in teh GUI, but it never changed the .conf file. so i edited the smb.conf file itself and replaced
                  guest ok = yes
                  guest ok = no
                  Hope i did it right! :-)


                    Re: [Solved] user specific shared folder rights

                    Yep. looks good.
                    I am happy we could help
                    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                    4 GB Ram
                    Kubuntu 18.10

