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Invalid Gateway IP Problem

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    Invalid Gateway IP Problem

    Hi, when I installed Feisty I enabled my wireless and set it up manually (since the roaming system doesn't work for me). However, when I tried to apply network settings, an error comes up saying "Default Gateway IP Invalid". Can anyone help?


    PS - previously my wireless worked in Edgy and I believe it uses the rt2500 drivers.

    Re: Invalid Gateway IP Problem

    in network settings,
    click "routes",
    select the relevant network interface from the combo,
    type the default gateway in the textfield,
    it sounds silly if you use dhcp, but it worked for me.
    gnu/linux is not windoze


      Re: Invalid Gateway IP Problem

      I am unable to get the default gateway OR static IP settings to 'stick'.. After a reboot, or even exiting and restarting the configuration screen it reverts BACK to 'auto IP' and the default gateway to being my router instead of the ACTUAL gateway.

      I build a web appliance to filter web content, the 'gateway' MUST point to NIC #1 of that box or else it can't find the cable modem on NIC #2, therefore no net.

      I can 'ping' the gateway from my nix box, and can get it to work route through on a WinDO$ box, so I know it works. Fact-of-business, I am POSTING this on a XP-Pro box through the gateway. I know the filters work because I tried to goto a site I filtered and it bounced, and also if I 'cuss or swear' in an OUTBOUND IM, email or post it will bounce and give 'page not found' errors.

      Anyrate, I know it works, however I can't get my Linux NIC to save manual settings.
      Dell SC1425<br />1 Xeon 3GHZ CPU<br />1GB ECC-DDR2 RAM<br />Onboard ATI Radeon 7000-M&nbsp; w/ 16MB Fixed/unshared RAM<br />Dual 82541Gl Gigabit Nic&#39;s<br />DVD-ROM/CD-RW Combo<br />73GB SCSI Drive.<br />Never got Compiz to run properly on the ATI, but that is secondary of course.


        Re: Invalid Gateway IP Problem

        How I got around it.... I was STILL not able to save static information via the Kontrol, or settings GUI's, however i DID get it to work.

        What I did was change the SWITCH, NOT the cable router but the network switch, to a 'static' IP and such. I placed the switch in 'static' mode, put in it's own IP in the network submask, i.e., then put in the DNS servers that were pulled from the cable router when it resolved, and then set the default gateway to the IP of the web appliance..

        If you do NOT know your submask the goto a networked machine and open a terminal, and type in ifconfig and press enter, it is ipconfig for WinDO$. To get the DNS and gateway IP you will need to type ipconfig /all in WinDO$, or look at the network card settings in Kontrol. Even if set as 'DHCP' it will STILL show greyed values.

        I realize the most of the 'settings' I put in are bogus and useless since all I wanted was a gateway map, however they needed values before the switch would save the configuration.

        So, the short of it. Linux defaulted to the IP of the switch as a gateway, and refused any manual changed. I used the switch to resolve the gateway address FOR Linux. As so when the Linux box bangs the switch as a gateway, it then routes to the PROPER gateway.

        Kind of a pain in the bum, but hey working is GOOD!!!!!!! LOL!!

        Hope this may help another.
        Dell SC1425<br />1 Xeon 3GHZ CPU<br />1GB ECC-DDR2 RAM<br />Onboard ATI Radeon 7000-M&nbsp; w/ 16MB Fixed/unshared RAM<br />Dual 82541Gl Gigabit Nic&#39;s<br />DVD-ROM/CD-RW Combo<br />73GB SCSI Drive.<br />Never got Compiz to run properly on the ATI, but that is secondary of course.


          Re: Invalid Gateway IP Problem

          Ok, now I am farked. I MUST, HAVE TO, give this Linux box a static IP. And yes, editing it STILL does not 'stick'.

          This thread has almost 200 reads, I can't be the ONLY Kubuntu user with this problem.

          Share the fix, make the patch.
          Dell SC1425<br />1 Xeon 3GHZ CPU<br />1GB ECC-DDR2 RAM<br />Onboard ATI Radeon 7000-M&nbsp; w/ 16MB Fixed/unshared RAM<br />Dual 82541Gl Gigabit Nic&#39;s<br />DVD-ROM/CD-RW Combo<br />73GB SCSI Drive.<br />Never got Compiz to run properly on the ATI, but that is secondary of course.


            Re: Invalid Gateway IP Problem


            I've done my part for this 'project', from personal time, research, and monetary support.

            Everyone I've bragged to about this distro, are getting screen shots of time, emails, phone and VoIP calls, to ensure they do not fall in the same trap as I did.

            I thought Kubuntu would be around for a LONG time. However, the lack of support, or even replies, says this project is dead.

            Gl, RIP, I suppose I am back to WinDO$ because us Linux geniuses can't figure out how to make static IP's and gateways.

            Dunno what to say, except I am VERY disappointed.. GL, God bless, and hopefully this post will kick the right asses into gear before the whole distro falls flat.

            I mean, if the community refuses to help with a simple IP assignment, what happens when I've a REAL boggle eh?

            Come to think of it, 97% of my posts are 'thanks' 'I got it working' 'this is how I did it' posts. If nobody else wants to help with this bug, then it's off to another distro. And yes, I will leave black foot prints on my way out.

            damn shame, a GRAND distro with a lazy community...

            p.s. You know who the exempt are, if not them reflect. I am just frusturated is all, and this is a MINOR bug in the bigger picture. This has to ship in 7 hours, and I've no time to wait further. Back to PCLOS.

            Dell SC1425<br />1 Xeon 3GHZ CPU<br />1GB ECC-DDR2 RAM<br />Onboard ATI Radeon 7000-M&nbsp; w/ 16MB Fixed/unshared RAM<br />Dual 82541Gl Gigabit Nic&#39;s<br />DVD-ROM/CD-RW Combo<br />73GB SCSI Drive.<br />Never got Compiz to run properly on the ATI, but that is secondary of course.


              Re: Invalid Gateway IP Problem

              Sorry I don't check this forum everyday. I'm no network expert but I had some similar issues including the Gateway problem.

              'Network Settings' seems to have some serious bugs as does kcontrol. Make your changes manually in /etc/network/interfaces. Reload via sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart. I think most likely you've got something funky going on in /etc/network/interfaces; I did.

