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Problem with wireless login

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    Problem with wireless login

    I have just installed kubuntu 7.04 on my dv5061ea HP laptop. I have successfully installed the Windows driver for its wireless adapter (Broadcom bcm4318). Now I can see the wireless networks around. The problem is I can't log in under any settings. I have tried WPA, WEP, unsecured connection - nothing seems to work. I'm using wireless router "OfficeConnect" by 3Com. BTW, when I connect to the router by the cable - everything works perfect.

    Any ideas how to fix the wireless login?

    Thanks in advance, Eli

    Re: Problem with wireless login

    Forgive me if you have already done this.

    I suspect that, firstly, your wireless card might not be enabled. Select kmenu/system settings/Network Settings. Then see if the wireless adapter is enabled. If not, hit the administrator mode button select the interface and hit enable. Then hit configure and enter your Wep settings etc. You will presumably also wish to select "connect on boot". Click apply and you should connect.

    I would recommend also running kwifimanager (which will give a visible indication of connection in the taskbar). Also, if following reboot you don't connect check the Network Settings again. If the settings appear to have been forgotten you should uninstall knetworkmanager which appears to have this odd effect for some people. You might also think of installing the wireless assistant (package name wlassistant) which is a very user friendly way of handling wireless connections especially from remote locations.



      Re: Problem with wireless login

      Ian, first of all thanks for your help.
      I am indeed newbie so I have another stupid question. I have started to checking
      Network settings, and the wireless card is there, marked as enabled.
      I hit administrator mode... button, and I get message to enter the root password.
      The problem is I can't see any proper place to enter it. On the other hand i understand that root user is disabled in all ubuntu based linux systems.
      How do i configure it then?
      I try to use Kwlan application, but with no effect till now.

      What should I do next?

      thanks, Eli


        Re: Problem with wireless login

        Hi Eli

        Was there no a dialog box into which to type the password? What it is asking for is the password you entered during installation of Kubuntu. There is no separate root password. I suppose you could describe it as kubuntu is checking that you are who you say you are before allowing changes and allowing you, as the user, administrative privileges.

        So type your own password into the box and you will enter admin mode.



          Re: Problem with wireless login

          Since you already installed the driver:

          This is how I got my connection to start automatically when starting Linux:

          My Wireless Connection Security on my router is configured like this:
          ESSID: RCMP
          Current Keys
          128bit 26 hex
          1CC9F1846C8ED33942H3E572 (<---- You use your own WEP key of course)

          First go and Check this Configuration:
          System Settings--> Network Settings --> Network Connections

          Determine how your Wireless device is recognized in your system:
          Is it eth0, eth1, eth0, or wlan0?

          Mine was 'wlan0' on Edgy, but when I upgraded to Feisty it got changed to 'eth1', so I lost my network, I fixed it by I reinstalling "ndiswrapper" and changed the following two files as follows (you gotta be root)
          /etc/rc.local I added at the bottom:

          ifdown eth1
          ifup eth1
          exit 0

          and on:
          /etc/network/interfaces I added:

          auto eth1
          iface eth1 inet dhcp
          wireless yes
          wireless_mode managed
          wireless_essid RCPP
          wireless_key open 1CC9F1846C8ED33942H3E572CD

          Hope this helps a bit!


            Re: Problem with wireless login

            Thanks catemu!!!

            I am running wpa_supplicant with autopassword and had problems on startup.

            Your tip:
            /etc/rc.local I added at the bottom:

            ifdown eth1
            ifup eth1
            exit 0

            Helped me out!!

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