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Endless wireless woes with Kubuntu 7.04 (kernel 2.6.20-15)

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    Re: Endless wireless woes with Kubuntu 7.04 (kernel 2.6.20-15)

    Previously, I sometimes had to use iwconfig to set some options manually. You might try using iwconfig to set essid, channel, ap, etc for the information you know that does not change. The do an ifdown and ifup on that interface. The go in to System Settings -> Network Settings and make sure the interface is set to start on boot and that the other information is correct.


      Re: Endless wireless woes with Kubuntu 7.04 (kernel 2.6.20-15)

      Finally, after 2 weeks of frustrating lack of Internet connectivity from linux, I got my wireless card (D-Link dwl-510) working - and it even seems stable (still running after 30 mins

      First I tried getting ndiswrapper working - dowloading different versions, etc. but no luck. I managed to get the connection up and IP address dhcp configured but even tiny amount of data exchanged made it freeze up my computer completely

      Then I tried getting the Realtek rtl8180 driver installed, but that even failed compiling (deleting the very folder content of the installed driver src !?). Fiddling around with scripts/ didn't help, so I gave up on that too

      Earlier in my Gentoo period (and even Redhat before that) I had invested a couple of bucks in the Driverloader product from Linuxant. Exellent product! I dowloaded thelatest Feisty version, reinstalled - and finally my wireless is up and running

      Sadly though, because when I installed Kubuntu (Edgy) for the first time, I had the extrordinary experience that it detected and configured my card correctly - the very first linux distribution to accomplish that. That went down the drain upgrading to Feisty ...


        Re: Endless wireless woes with Kubuntu 7.04 (kernel 2.6.20-15)

        OK, I do ifdown and ifup quite frequently. I know about iwconfig but never have been able to see how to configure it.

        I also do reset system settings/network to the correct data.
        However, after every reboot they revert back to some that do not work (Routes

        This applies to Feisty and now also to Gutsy.


          Re: Endless wireless woes with Kubuntu 7.04 (kernel 2.6.20-15)

          Originally posted by Husted
          . . .
          Sadly though, because when I installed Kubuntu (Edgy) for the first time, I had the extrordinary experience that it detected and configured my card correctly - the very first linux distribution to accomplish that. That went down the drain upgrading to Feisty ...
          Same happened to me: Upon first installation of Feisty everything was detected and worked. The trouble with wireless network connections always starts after several reboot cycles.

          This is also true for Gutsy. . .

          Only in my case - maybe!


            Re: Endless wireless woes with Kubuntu 7.04 (kernel 2.6.20-15)

            If you type

            iwconfig --help

            you will see all the available options. I wouldn't go wild and would only set the ones I know. Good luck.

