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Disconnected icon while static ip. Regular icon while dhcp

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    Disconnected icon while static ip. Regular icon while dhcp

    The other day we were running out of addresses in our dhcp range so I assigned a static address to my feisty box. I had to move the computer so I turned it off and moved it. When I reconnected it the icon in the bottom right hand side of the screen says that there is no connection but the internet connection still works.

    Being curious, I switched back to dhcp and the icon went back to normal. When I switched back to static again the icon changes to no connection, but the connection still works. Has anyone else seen this? I am debating if it is just my hardware combination or something I need to submit to bug tracker. I have a broadcom 1000Mb nic on a compaq D530 cmt

    Re: Disconnected icon while static ip. Regular icon while dhcp

    This is because currently network manager doesn't support static IP's as far as I know.
    See this bug:

    The following could also be useful:

