The graphical installer crashes here, at first when I start up it already begins with a weird display (same as described in another topic). But I can continue to install and it goes all the way to 91% (tried it twice), there it has to load the IDE chipset, I'm sorry didn't write exactly which one. And it crashes.
My system is a
Toshiba Sattelite A60 Laptop
And I installed the system using the full disk (hda), with guided partition setup (default).
The graphical installer crashes here, at first when I start up it already begins with a weird display (same as described in another topic). But I can continue to install and it goes all the way to 91% (tried it twice), there it has to load the IDE chipset, I'm sorry didn't write exactly which one. And it crashes.
My system is a
Toshiba Sattelite A60 Laptop
And I installed the system using the full disk (hda), with guided partition setup (default).