ok.. I have got 7.04 on my machine.. it runs great after I get it all configured.. I have downloaded and installed 710 on my box, and I have found that I had more luck setting up 7.04 and getting it to work, than 7.10..
What is so special that I would need to change it? My computer is fast, stable, and loaded with goodies (videos, music, players, compiz fusion, emerald, etc..), and there is no problem with it at all..
every one says I should upgrade, but I havent heard any features that really attract me to it... can some show me a side-by-side compare of the 2 and their features?
One thing I heard is that it supports ntfs way better (when updated and running right) than feisty... is this true? all I do is general media stuff on my box.. I have a separate partition for playing games, so I dont need anything more than just a PC that can play my media and do what its doing now... so If upgrading doesnt really change much, then why do it?
What is so special that I would need to change it? My computer is fast, stable, and loaded with goodies (videos, music, players, compiz fusion, emerald, etc..), and there is no problem with it at all..
every one says I should upgrade, but I havent heard any features that really attract me to it... can some show me a side-by-side compare of the 2 and their features?
One thing I heard is that it supports ntfs way better (when updated and running right) than feisty... is this true? all I do is general media stuff on my box.. I have a separate partition for playing games, so I dont need anything more than just a PC that can play my media and do what its doing now... so If upgrading doesnt really change much, then why do it?