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Timestamps on fontconfig directories breaking Kubuntu install/update

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    Timestamps on fontconfig directories breaking Kubuntu install/update

    I am installing Kubuntu Feisty on a Thinkpad R50p, dual boot with XP.
    I have no problem getting to a running Feisty, but I ran into a nasty post-install problem which breaks apt-get & the update process.

    This is the second of two identical R50p I have installed on - the first one was near flawless, suspend/resume etc worked out of the box. After the breakage of the update on the second machine, I can suspend but cannot resume, there are various minor issues turning up all over... not a good stable install! This has happened twice now, and I would like to find a good solution before going round the loop again.

    There are various fontconfig directories that get created with timestamps which are 'in the future', somehow, and when I run the post-install update, apt-get chokes on these and fails to complete with a generic error message. Open Office and many other packages seem to depend on the successful fontconfig setup.

    I have found various forum posts about this, with suggested fixes involving 'touch'ing the fontconfig directory. This appears to work, but I would like to 'replay' the post-install update process to fully refresh all the other packages. I don't understand how suspend/resume is broken, for example, and manually fixing it is a daunting task.

    How can I tell Synaptic/apt/Adept to 'check and repair all packages' or is there no simple way to do this?

    If this is not the answer, what fix should I apply to the fontconfig directories after a reinstall, before running the first round of updates?

    many thanks for any authoritative suggestions!!

