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Problems with new copy of Kubuntu

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    Problems with new copy of Kubuntu

    Could not download kubuntu so I bought a copy. But kaffein does not play dvd's. I keep getting the following messages :-
    1) No plug in found to handle this resource.
    2) The application kaffein playercrashed and caused the signal II CSIGSEGV - a bug in application. Can anyone help? Please keep replies simple. Thanking you all in anticipation. Rojiru

    Re: Problems with new copy of Kubuntu

    I assume that it's unable to find a codec to play the DVDs.

    Download VLC media player using adept, and this will install almost all the codecs you will ever need. you can play your DVDs using vlc media player.


      Re: Problems with new copy of Kubuntu

      Thanks firemoth, but not sure how to do that. Reasons :-
      I'm having to use windows XP to access internet. so I'd downloaded a copy of VLC transfered it to Ubuntu, entered the sudo code, it appeared to work, but I got a message something about not being able to unwrap the package. An Ubuntu forum member suggested that I got Kubuntu, so I'm Trying that.
      I,m assuming that downloading VLC using adept requires me to have kubuntu installed on he net.
      I'm using a Belkin USB wireless thing-a-me jig to access the internet and I have this feeling that it is not compatible with ubuntu/kubuntu


        Re: Problems with new copy of Kubuntu

        Please post the model number of your wireless adapter.

        I'll try and help you get it working.

