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Problems with RAID/LVM setup in Feisty instalation

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    Problems with RAID/LVM setup in Feisty instalation

    I've been trying to setup Feisty with RAID1 array on a new PC without success
    My system has two 250 GB disks and I've inhibited the hardware RAID capacity on my BIOS. I.e. I plan to use sotware RAID.
    Off course I'm using the alternate install CD and the text mode OEM setup.
    I've planned to use 3 RAID1 devices (respectively for /boot, swap and a LVM volume for everything else).
    On the text mode installation I've select manual configuration of the disks/partitions.
    1st I was able to make three primary partitions in each disk and define them as "RAID..."
    [Just as a side information they have 500 MB (for /boot), 3 GB (for swap) and 246 GB for the LVM). The 500 MB partitions are marked bootable]
    Everythink OK until now...
    Then I try to create the RAID volumes: Select configure RAID; create volume, type RAID1 and then, when I was supposed to be able select the partitions to include in my 1st RAID device, I get an error message saying "no RAID partitions were found...".
    If I continue ignoring the error, a RAID device is created with a size of 250 GB, i.e. equivalent to all my disks.

    I've started again, trying to remove everything - RAID (I guess I couldn't), all the partitions - and recreating the partitions...
    Only that this time the new partitions are not indicated as (pri/log) and, when I try to define the partition type, I no longer see the RAID option, only the usual ext3, ext2, etc...
    The only way to get again the (pri/log) indication and the RAID option is to remove the partitions and select "automatic partitioning of the disk"... In that case I get a swap and a general partition, marked (pri/log) that I can again delete and do the manual partitioning to start again :P
    However I can't move on from getting just a RAID md0 device with all the disk space...

    Am I doing something wrong or the RAID/LVM installation on Feisty is really broken?

    Thank you for any advice