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How can I upgrade from 6.06 to 7.04 without losing all my data

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    How can I upgrade from 6.06 to 7.04 without losing all my data

    I have 6.06 and was planning on upgrading to 7.04 but i have some files on my it mostly drivers that took a long time to figure out so i don`t want to lose all my settings. I would like to know how to upgrade to 7.04 from 6.06 without losing all my data , settings and drivers.

    What are the Pro`s and Con`s of 7.04 over 6.06


    Re: How can I upgrade from 6.06 to 7.04 without losing all my data

    There are no pros or cons, simply because you can't upgrade from 6.06 to 7.04 directly, unless you do, of course, a fresh install.
    You will need to upgrade to Edgy 6.10 first, and it used to be a painful upgrade. From 6.10 to 7.04, everything was a lot smoother. It's not that you will lose your data, the question is: will you be able to fix any problem which occurs during the upgrade?
    Regarding your drivers, which were manually compiled, you will probably need to remake them when the upgrade brings a new kernel, and there will be at least 4 newer kernels between your 6.06 and 7.04. Your settings will be alright, everything is preserved.
    I didn't have dangerous errors upgrading from 6.06 to 6.10, but it wasn't seemless at all. From 6.10 to 7.04, everything was perfect, no intervention needed.
    You have been warned. =)


      Re: How can I upgrade from 6.06 to 7.04 without losing all my data

      If you haven't already done it, creating a separate home partition is a really good idea.

      This is an excellent tute to show you how to do it.

      This works just as well with Kubuntu.

      Hope I'm not showing you stuff you already know.
      I wish I was the man my dog thinks I am.<br /><br />Registered Linux User No. 402825


        Re: How can I upgrade from 6.06 to 7.04 without losing all my data

        I would like to know how to upgrade to 7.04 from 6.06 without losing all my data , settings and drivers.
        Data should be in safe. Also settings should be in safe (if they are in the /home). Drivers might work or not - only way to be sure is to try.

        If you have room in the hard drive - make copy of your system:
        Topic: HOWTO: Copy kubuntu system

        About configs:
        From Topic: Installing Edgy or Dapper over Breezy and saving configs

        DO NOT, I repeat N*O*T try to upgrade straight from Breezy to Edgy without upgrading
        to Dapper in between. If you don't want to bother with Dapper, (which some people
        like better than Edgy), then store all of your personal "stuff", including your
        /home/joneall/.* <-- note the dot directories and probably your /etc/ directory tree as
        well. Then install Edgy from scratch, and reinstall all your configurations and your
        personal files.


        Hmm - How about from Dapper to Feisty ? Same thing ?


        I haven't tried it, but I would think that the problems going from Dapper to Feisty would
        be the similar to going from Breezy to Edgy
        Topic: HOWTO : Dapper to Feisty

        Topic: Upgrade from Dapper to Fiesty
        Before you edit, BACKUP !

        Why there are dead links ?
        1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
        2. Thread: Lost Information

