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To make an install cd from the installed kubuntu

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    To make an install cd from the installed kubuntu

    it's some time i switched to kubuntu. I used to have mandriva and suse a bit. i think kubuntu is so great with all installing managers. and things work.

    what i want to found out is, if there is any tool that can make an install cd from my current installed kubuntu, so that all the updates and extra programs (e.g. Mplayer, QuantaPlus, Nvu, Wine) i installed are preserved on a burned cd/dvd. And that way i want to install everything i have next time i install. so i don't have to install all those things separately. to just let the cd run and when it's finished, all updates are already installed together with player,qp,wine etc.

    I'm sure there is a procedure to do that with commands and all, but i'm more looking for the tool, as i don't want to spend more then an hour with that idea. it just will be cool if such a tool exists.

    i never burned any images or alike. i buy cds from

    Re: To make an install cd from the installed kubuntu

    Check out Reconstructor
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: To make an install cd from the installed kubuntu

      And there are also:

      APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs (you choose the type of media) with all of the packages you've downloaded via APT-GET or APTITUDE, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers.

      Ubuntu Tricks - how to generate a list of installed packages and use it to reinstall packages
      Before you edit, BACKUP !

      Why there are dead links ?
      1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
      2. Thread: Lost Information


        Re: To make an install cd from the installed kubuntu

        wao, thanks guys! i'd go for Reconstructor and APTonCD.
        i'm bit amazed by what linux comunity has to offer. didn't expect that tools are there just-like-that.
        'tools are worth investing time in!'


          Re: To make an install cd from the installed kubuntu

          You will find quite a bit of help in this Forum. Many registered users, and quite a few 'regulars' who have a fair amount of knowledge and/or experience.
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Re: To make an install cd from the installed kubuntu

            as i predicted, it took an hour or little bit more to set it up/start it up.
            So, i'd give back to the comunity. it wasn't quite that easy. cuz it was only tested on ubuntu. so, i made it work on kubuntu.


            - I downloaded the reconstructor.deb package and ran
            sudo dpkg -i reconstructor.deb to resolve dependencies.
            (fine there were some dependencies)
            - then i found the line i documentation that i need to run
            sudo apt-get install squashfs-tools gcc make libbogldev.
            i ran it and it worked half-way through. it came with the suggestion to
            run apt-get -f install. i ran it and i think, by that time dependencies were all resolved.
            -then i installed reconstructor-2.6_all.deb package, and it appeared in the K menus. was that all? i thought. it wasn't.
            -i run reconstructor but it went down before anything got started.
            -then i ran it from the console and it says 'No module named glade'
            great, i made the quick decision and installed glade glade1 and glade2.
            nothing much happens...
            -searching on google ( ) i found out what i need to do,
            i ran apt-cache search python-glade and it gave me list of 4 packages.
            i installed python-glade-1.2. but with no effect.
            then i decided to install all packages from that list, python-glade2 and
            python-glade2-dbg. it took a bit while.
            but the good news, reconstructor started it up!

            later i found out in documentation that i maybe should have ran
            sudo apt-get install squashfs-tools gcc rsync libbogl-dev usplash-dev gpg dpkg-dev fakeroot apt-utils,
            insted of sudo apt-get install squashfs-tools gcc make libbogldev.
            but i don't thing that will work either.
            i think it's crucial to install those python packages no matter if installing reconstructor from tarballs or deb files.



              Re: To make an install cd from the installed kubuntu

              Originally posted by Slajan
              i think it's crucial to install those python packages no matter if installing reconstructor from tarballs or deb files.
              Yes. As stated on their Installation & Requirements page:

              Reconstructor depends on the following packages:
              python (only tested on version 2.4)
              squashfs-tools (needed for Root FS extraction)
              chroot (needed for Root FS customization)
              mkisofs (needed for ISO creation)
              gcc (needed for Usplash generation and VMWare/Qemu module installation)
              make (needed for VMWare/Qemu module installation)
              rsync (needed for Remastering ISO)
              libbogl-dev (needed for Dapper Usplash Generation)
              usplash-dev (needed for Usplash Generation - Edgy and up)
              gpg (needed for Alternate Key Signing)
              dpkg-dev (needed for Alternate Key Package Building)
              fakeroot (needed for Alternate Key Package Building)
              apt-utils (needed for Extra Repository Generation)

              To install these packages in Ubuntu, add the Universe and Multiverse repositories and run sudo apt-get install squashfs-tools gcc rsync libbogl-dev usplash-dev gpg dpkg-dev fakeroot apt-utils
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

