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System hang during 1st boot

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    System hang during 1st boot

    I am pretty sure I am not the first one with this issue so I apologize up front for asking it yet again

    My configuration

    motherboard: abit AS8
    Intel I865 chipset
    Processor: LGA 775 2.8ghz Pentium 4
    Video: EVGA 6600 nVidia Chipset.
    Memory: OCZ DDR PC-3200 Gold 2x512mb
    Hard drive: Maxtor 6L080L4 80gb EIDE

    my problem

    The live CD for feisty runs great boots the system everything works as expected.

    After install it boots, I think, just past the grub loader and then either hangs or the video is gone. I never see the daemons starting or any of the status messages.

    This happens on first boot off the hard drive. If I always want to run my system off the live CD this is a great setup however, that is not what I would like.

    Can someone either point me to the correct information in the forums or help me out with this issue?

    Re: System hang during 1st boot

    This might be what you need:


      Re: System hang during 1st boot

      Thanks for the reply...

      I will give that link a shot and get back. However, I tend to think this is not the issue based on "For the noob, this means the first thing you see after you run the installation routine is a jet black screen with (or without) a blinking white "_" in the upper left corner."

      I do get the blinking white "_" but I cannot do anything with it. No keyboard entries are excepted nothing. I did not know about the keyboard shortcut to text mode so I will try that next and see what happens.


        Re: System hang during 1st boot

        OK I managed to get the GUI running using the thread listed, Thanks, however, I am still having an issue.

        Everytime I reboot or even just stop X I have to rerun the dpkg-reconfigure.

        Is there a way around this or will I be running this everytime I reboot from now on?


          System hang during 1st boot

          Hi Everyone,
          I desperately want to install linux on ma system...As iam an windows user i have absolutely no knowledge about linux.
          I have installed kubuntu on my pc it's been installed properly but it just dosent boot up....
          the kubuntu boot up screen comes up and then ihe blue bar dosent move further...
          Please can u help me out with this issue as iam an noob...


            Re: System hang during 1st boot

            @schrammbo -- did you use the "sudo" prefix when you ran the dpkg-configure routine? It sounds like you are configuring the xserver for your user login session, but that configuration only lasts for the session. Get out of your GUI with Ctrl-Alt-F1, then run the
            sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
            routine as explained in the "how-to" and then do a
            sudo shutdown now -r
            to reboot the computer with the new xorg.conf as your x configuration. (I know it's possible to get back to the F8 screen and then restart just the x server, but we're looking for the simple approach here.).

            @kog -- did you try the procedure at ?

