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Very small desktop size

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    Very small desktop size

    Hello. I want to install kubuntu feisty in a brand new sony vaio vgn-fz19vn. I load the liveCD and I get a very small desktop size. The resolution seems to be the correct one but the whole desktop seems like a 640x480 window. I tried to use the the xvidtune tool but it says that the video mode can not be changed on this chip. The graphics card is a mobile intel graphics media accelator X3100. Any help is greatly appreciated!
    Kubuntu 12.04 64-bit

    Re: Very small desktop size

    i haven't got a vaio, though on my laptop there's this bios switch
    you can use to say how is the monitor to be driven when the non
    native resolution is used.

    my monitor is 1680x1050, but if i drive it at, say, 1024x768, only
    that actual screen portion will be used, leaving a black frame around it.

    basically, the image will not be scaled.

    and i can change this bios setting to have the image be scaled to the
    monitor's full size, no matter what the resolution i use.

    this is valid for grub's boot menu and for kubuntu's boot splash.
    when the X server starts up, this setting is bypassed.

    can be of much more help, i'm sorry...

    gnu/linux is not windoze


      Re: Very small desktop size

      Thank you very much for your reply. I was not able to find the bios switch you were referring to but I fixed the problem using

      sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

      and adjusting the settings there.

      Kubuntu 12.04 64-bit


        Re: Very small desktop size

        well done.
        i totally misunderstood your issue.
        gnu/linux is not windoze

