It's been asked before, but searching hasn't yielded a satisfactory answer.
I'd like to use "vga=791" in GRUB, so that when I switch to a console, it's in 1024x768 mode, rather than 640x480 mode. However, the usplash theme provided with K/Ubuntu only works correctly in 640x480 mode.
Is there a way to get a 1024x768-compatible usplash theme, and be able to put "vga=791" in the line that boots Kubuntu, at the same time?
I'd like to use "vga=791" in GRUB, so that when I switch to a console, it's in 1024x768 mode, rather than 640x480 mode. However, the usplash theme provided with K/Ubuntu only works correctly in 640x480 mode.
Is there a way to get a 1024x768-compatible usplash theme, and be able to put "vga=791" in the line that boots Kubuntu, at the same time?