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Comparing a WinXP install

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    Comparing a WinXP install

    When I first came to Linux I found it hard.. it quickly got easy to do the basic things. I still find it hard to solve more complicated problems - but there seems to always BE a solution.

    So now after a year and half since I last installed WinXP on a machine I purchased a MP3 player for my wife that just plain doesn't work with Linux... (Samsung YP-K3) if I want to install Windows, then upgrade the firmware on the thing to Korean it apparently works.... lol... Wifey is not to interested in that.

    Anyway. Today I'm installing WinXP. I am 2.5 hours into the install and Service Pack 2 JUST finished this minute. I am restarting the computer for the 6th time.

    AND you know how everyone goes nutz about installing Linux on laptops.. well while XP identified the network adapter in the lappy, it simply wouldn't work. So I had to go find a new driver, and then install that to get XP to connect to the web.

    Now the fun starts... less than 60 seconds after I connected to the web I start getting spammed by "messenger service popups" telling me I had 55 critical errors in windows and my system might fail at any momement unless I went to a website to get their software.... nice....

    Then there was 7 updates to do... reboot.. then there were 62 updates to do... reboot... then fianlly it would LET me install Service pack 2. It's huge.. 75MB on my connection that should take exactly 75seconds to download.. but 42minutes later the install was finally done.

    What I'm saying is ANYONE who thinks that Windows is easier than Linux has not compared the two. I'd like to be politically correct and say they haven't "honestly" compared the two - but the truth is Linux in 2007 completely outclasses WinXP of 2001. I have not installed Vista - but I recently tried to fix a network problem for someone using it - and forget it... what a nightmare.

    Linux might be very different - but you actually have control once you know how to use it. Windows just never lets you have control so you can't fix problems...

    But hey you can always format and reinstall to get things working - if you have 5 hours of time to waste that is...


    Re: Comparing a WinXP install

    Hi BongoSHH, FWIW, I thought you expressed your view here very well. I ran into a similar sort of discussion elsewhere and quoted you there:;&#top
    (Linux > Gobuntu, Post #9)
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: Comparing a WinXP install

      hehehe I love stiring up a conversation. The only thing better than doing it myself is having someone quote me to do it! I love it! hehehe thanks for the giggle! I'll watch that thread.



        Re: Comparing a WinXP install

        Hey Bongo5HH, you may be interested to check out the following here:

        (Yep, you got quoted again! )
        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


          Re: Comparing a WinXP install

          Impressive and actually my experiences as well. Have to use M$ XP @ work, but always seem to migrate back to Kubuntu on my Home machine, and I do have it dual boot with XP first, I just can never seem to want to go to XP. Very well expressed indeed. I have two machines @ work that we just bought from e-bay. One with XP and one with 2000. I'll time those along side a Kubuntu. It'll be interesting.

