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Partition ownership

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    Partition ownership

    Kubuntu automatically mounts the Win partitions on my harddrives with "root" as the owner. I need to share these partitions via Samba but get an "accessed denied" error when I try to connect to one. I've tried changing the ownership by "sudo chown xxxxxxx /media/hda1" from the CL, but it tells me I don't have permission.

    How can I gain control of these partitions?

    Re: Partition ownership

    One thing you'll need is ntfs-3g if you want to write to NTFS filesystem(s).

    Root owns all drives and partitions, AFAIK. It is the files and folders that need to be owned by users and their groups.


      Re: Partition ownership

      I have mounted the drive in a folder in my /home/me/winc but Kubuntu won't let me take owner ship even though I used the "user" option in the fstab entry.
      /dev/hda1 /home/lew/winc vfat auto,user,exec 0 0
      Still says it's owned by "root" and won't let me change it via "chown." And when I share it via Samba, the other computers see the folder but can't access it. If I can't share my Win partitions with other computers then Kununtu is useless.


        Re: Partition ownership

        Originally posted by lewmur
        I have mounted the drive in a folder in my /home/me/winc but Kubuntu won't let me take owner ship even though I used the "user" option in the fstab entry.
        /dev/hda1 /home/lew/winc vfat auto,user,exec 0 0
        Still says it's owned by "root" and won't let me change it via "chown." And when I share it via Samba, the other computers see the folder but can't access it. If I can't share my Win partitions with other computers then Kununtu is useless.
        With windows filesystems use 'uid' and 'gid' options to set filesystem ownership and 'umask' option to set filesystem permissions.
        /dev/hda1 /home/lew/winc vfat auto,user,exec,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0
        mounts the filesystem owned by the default user.

        You can also use the umask option to set permissions you want.
        /dev/hda1 /home/lew/winc vfat auto,user,exec,umask=0000 0 0
        mounts the filesystem giving rwx permissions for all.
        (you may use a different umask number if you need different set of permissions...0022 for rwxr-xr-x permissions for short, the umask number is the complement of the chmod permission number)

        Some possibly helpful links

