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Moving Installation

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    Moving Installation

    Here's my setup: I have an AMD64 with Windows Vista installed on an SATA drive, and Kubuntu on an IDE. Both drives are 150Gb

    Here's what I would like to do, I want to get rid of Windows (yay!) and move my linux installation (intact) to the Sata drive, which will first need to be reformatted.

    I can get rid of Windows easy enough and format the drive. But what is the best method for moving my Linux installation to the other drive. Is this even possible without causing a ton of headaches? Can I just disk image it and move it? I'd really rather not reinstall because I've spent quite a bit of time in Kubuntu and finally got everything just the way I want it.

    I'm pretty fluent with the command line and am not entirely new to GNU/Linux.

    Any advice would be extremely helpfull. Thanks.

    Edit: PS: I am not dual booting, If I want to get into Windows, I must change the BIOS to boot off the other HDD. So I would think this might make my task a bit easier.

    Re: Moving Installation

    If this were my machine, I'd reformat the "target disk" by means of GParted, then "disk-dump" the given partition(s) from their current to their home(s) to be, then update the boot loader's configuration, finally reboot - and start praying ...


      Re: Moving Installation

      Wow, quick response. Thanks so much!

      I don't have any experience with DD but I'll give it a try. Doesn't sound too painful.


        Re: Moving Installation

        Add.: GRUB page


          Re: Moving Installation

          Here is how i did (do) it:

          Topic: HOWTO: Copy kubuntu system

          - moving kubuntu from hdb1 to the sda1
          Before you edit, BACKUP !

          Why there are dead links ?
          1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
          2. Thread: Lost Information

