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Install keeps crashing computer

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    Install keeps crashing computer

    I'm trying to install kubuntu on my friends computer on a brand new hard drive. So i went through the whole installation process, and the last thing i saw was the progress bar at "configuring hardware". i left the room and came back to see the computer was off. And now, I can't get anywhere. Booting from hard drive does absolutely nothing (it just hangs). If i boot off the cd, and run kubuntu, the computer turns off while it's trying to boot linux. It does the same thing with the safe graphics option. I can't do anything on the computer now! It just keeps turning off.

    What could be causing this? How do i reformat the hard drive?
    The only thing odd i noticed during the installation process was that it recognized the hard drive as SCSI, when it is not (it's IDE/PATA).

    Any ideas?

    Re: Install keeps crashing computer

    I encountered pretty much the same problem on one of my boxes - after some research I managed to isolate ACPI causing the problems. Because of some faulty sensors or w/e on my Desktop PC it was thinking the box overheated and initiated the shutdown during installation. Appending acpi=off to the kernel parameters while booting from the LiveCD fixed that for me, probably worth a try.

    And the hard drive getting recognized/named as SCSI is totally ok with the current subsystem.


      Re: Install keeps crashing computer

      acpi=off did the trick! Kubuntu is installed and running wonderfully. I installed in on my friend's computer who knows nothing about computers. His first words upon seeing the fresh install were "wow, it looks better than windows".

      Thanks for the help!

