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Kubuntu 7.04 Live CD hangs on install

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    Kubuntu 7.04 Live CD hangs on install

    Hello there,

    I have been searching for hours and cannot find the solution to my issue. I have an HP DV8000 (DV8223cl to be exact) and cannot install Kubuntu. The Live CD boots, then when I select "Start or Install" it says "loading" in the upper left, the CD drive has some activity for a few seconds, then nothing. Completely freezes. I have tried adding various parameters to the install line (noapic nolapic pci=noacpi mem=192m fb=false siable_dhcp=true start_pcmcia=false vga=771 acpi=off) and NOTHING works. I get the same result every time.

    Some quick system info:

    Intel Centrino Duo 1.66ghz (T2300)
    1gb RAM
    Nvidia Video Card
    Broadcom wirless (I believe, and I know this will need tweaking later)
    Currently running Windows XP media center

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am tired of windows an anxious to switch!!

    Oh yes, one more thing. Once everything does work (if that ever happens) I have read that HP laptops + Linux = overheating.... any thoughts?

    Thanks for your help!

    Re: Kubuntu 7.04 Live CD hangs on install

    My first thought would be to test the MD-5 sum with your live cd (itshould be under boot options). Then I would reburn the cd at a slower speed than 8x. this is an issue for some cd's and burners and has been documented thuroughly.

    If that still doesn't work get yourself the alternate cd (also burn at < 8x and install from there.

    Please post your results so others can learn

    Sorry I can't of more help and hope it works.
    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
    4 GB Ram
    Kubuntu 18.10


      Re: Kubuntu 7.04 Live CD hangs on install

      That worked perfectly. I burned the same ISO at 4x and it booted just fine. I haven't actually run the install yet, as I am cleaning off space from my second hard drive to install it.

      Thanks for your help!


        Re: Kubuntu 7.04 Live CD hangs on install

        Even after a dozen attempts I was not able to install
        Kubuntu 7.04 from the live CD.Every time it throwsup some
        new error the most common being "The KDE process died unexpectedly".
        I tried memory test and everything else suggested by my friends.
        The maximum I could go is up to the stage "Select Your Language".
        But it did not show any list of languages at all I waited for half an hour, but when the cd rom was not showing any flickering light for about 35 minutes,
        I threw up my hands.I made 4 more attempts after that but without
        success.Should I install "Ubuntu 5.1" and then "Kubuntu 7.04" ?
        Windows XP Professional is already there on my machine.How partitioning is to be done ?
        C20 GB) No O/S but my data files only
        D10 GB) EMPTY
        E: (9 GB)XP PROF O/S
        MEMORY:256 MB
        MACHINE: Pentium p 4 2.66 GHZ Dual Core
        Please throw some light on this problem.
        This will be the last time I try to install Kubuntu !!!.
        If not successful I will try some other Linux O/S
        Thanks & Best Regards


          Re: Kubuntu 7.04 Live CD hangs on install

          @chris: Glad to hear it. Let us know kow things go.

          You'r copying your question and pasting then all over the place without reading the answers you are getting. At least read the answers the others are getting they may be of help.

          A lot of people are here to help but this not the way to get their helpful attention.

          As Jan and myself mentioned in another one of your past and copy endeavors: Start a new post with your specific problem. It is easy click on new post in the topic section you need help with. State exactly what is going on and what you are doing. Especially read the answers you are getting.

          HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
          4 GB Ram
          Kubuntu 18.10

