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update install, login gone

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    update install, login gone


    This afternoon I installed some updated software through the normal way. The "update icon" showed up, and I followed it all.
    Halfway through downloading the update list, it froze, for some reason. I cancelled downloading the update list, but it still came back that Amarok could be updated. So I clicked the update button, and apparently, Amarok got updated.
    So far, so good.
    When I logged out, Kubuntu just froze altogether.
    No problem, restart the system.
    Yeah, right. When my login screen appeared, I typed my password, clicked "enter" and waited. Then I got hit with " xsession: warning: unable to write to /tmp; xsession may exit with an error".
    And sure enough, I was not able to get onto my account.
    So I tried my daughters account, and there I was able to log on to. How strange. Why is this?
    I wanted to run apt-get clean in a console, so I "sudo't" it, it asked for the password (remember, I am still running on my daughters account) I gave it my su password, and got no permission to run apt-get? Why is that? Even sudo su didn't work. I can't get anything to go now, as far as administrator rights go. how do I attack this?
    I hate to reinstall Kubuntu and thought that these things should not happen? Or am I too naive?

    Please help me, because running on my daughters account doesn't work for me. I really need to acces my own account again.
    Go through life one sheep at a time.

    Re: update install, login gone

    If you are lucky, your harddrive is full. Try
    df -h
    df - report file system disk space usage

    If full -> Start computer with kubuntu cd, mount harddrive/partition, clean /var/cache/apt/archives.

    The "update icon" showed up, and I followed it all...thought that these things should not happen? Or am I too naive?
    Automagic things are good when they work 110%
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: update install, login gone

      This is what my harddrive gave me:
      Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
      /dev/sda6 3.7G 3.2G 341M 91% /
      varrun 248M 88K 248M 1% /var/run
      varlock 248M 0 248M 0% /var/lock
      procbususb 248M 108K 248M 1% /proc/bus/usb
      udev 248M 108K 248M 1% /dev
      devshm 248M 0 248M 0% /dev/shm
      lrm 248M 33M 215M 14% /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/volatile
      /dev/sda7 16G 3.7G 12G 25% /home
      /dev/sda1 39M 110K 39M 1% /media/sda1
      /dev/sda2 17G 15G 2.5G 86% /media/sda2

      So it could be that this is the problem then. Hmm, gotta create a bigger sda6 I think.
      The sda1 and sda2 are my windows partitions, and sda 7 is my home partition. Have to steal some space from there I gather.
      But now I run into another problem then eh, because I am working now from my daughters account, my su password does not work for some reason, so I can not resize any partition. And btw, with what program should I do this then, the resizing part?

      Thanks for your reply Rog131
      Go through life one sheep at a time.


        Re: update install, login gone

        What does ls -al /tmp/ | grep kde result in?


          Re: update install, login gone

          just this:
          drwx------ 2 froukje froukje 4096 2007-06-23 07:30 kde-froukje

          ("Froukje" is my daughters name )
          Go through life one sheep at a time.


            Re: update install, login gone

            Hmmm ... and how about the "parent folder": ls -al / | grep tmp ...?


              Re: update install, login gone

              But now I run into another problem then eh, because I am working now from my daughters account, my su password does not work for some reason, so I can not resize any partition. And btw, with what program should I do this then, the resizing part?
              If you have k/x/ubuntu cd/dvd:
              You could clean (delete/move files to the windows partitions - if you have fat partitions) folders from harddisk -> more room -> you could log in as yourself (IF this is problem with room).

              With livecd you could do virtual installation (if you have working net connection with live cd):
              sudo apt-get install gparted
              Livecd sudo is empty - no password, superuser privileges.
              gparted — a graphical partitioning tool.

              There is live cd/usb gparted:
              Gnome Partition Editor

              The power and simplicity of GParted on a biz-card size LiveCD.

              The CD aims to be fast, small in size (~50mb), and use minimal resources
              to get that disk partitioned the way you want it. GParted LiveCD is based
              on Gentoo-catalyst, and uses Xorg,the lightweight Fluxbox window manager,
              and the latest 2.6 Linux Kernel.
              GParted LiveUSB can be created from the iso LiveCD.

              Before you edit, BACKUP !

              Why there are dead links ?
              1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
              2. Thread: Lost Information


                Re: update install, login gone

                Originally posted by UnicornRider
                Hmmm ... and how about the "parent folder": ls -al / | grep tmp ...?
                drwxrwxrwt 10 root root 240 2007-06-23 20:37 tmp

                Go through life one sheep at a time.

