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Upgrade from Dapper to Fiesty???

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    Upgrade from Dapper to Fiesty???

    Hello All:

    I am currently running Dapper on my Dell Inspirion (I noticed that now they offer a Ubuntu version!) and I want to upgrade to Feisty, mostly because I have never been able to get my wireless to work.

    So some standard questions:

    Do I have to upgrade to Edgy first?

    I'm assuming that anything I've installed manually in /usr/local/ or /home/me will not be affected, just the packages in the repositories will be upgraded. Is that correct?

    Last but not least (because I spent WAY too much time doing it), will my "look and feel" be ruined?

    Let me know what you think....


    GPG Key ID# 0x3AE05130

    Re: Upgrade from Dapper to Fiesty

    Hopefully this will help since I have very little knowledge in updating.

    Tell me if it helps, if anything hope it points you somewhere in the right direction, better then I could do at least. :P Since no one has commented yet I thought, "hey, it's better then nothing."

    Cheers mate,


      Re: Upgrade from Dapper to Fiesty

      Recommended ways to upgrade:


      Upgrading to Ubuntu 7.04

      NOT recommended way to upgrade:

      HOWTO : Dapper to Feisty (a.k.a. What Happens If I ...)

      Useful links:
      Cleaning up a Ubuntu GNU/Linux system
      Clean system -> easier upgrade
      After upgrade -> clean again (and fix)

      HOWTO: Cleaning local package archives

      Before you edit, BACKUP !

      Why there are dead links ?
      1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
      2. Thread: Lost Information


        Re: Upgrade from Dapper to Fiesty

        Thanks for the links! I'll have a read this week and give it a try on the weekend.


        GPG Key ID# 0x3AE05130


          Re: Upgrade from Dapper to Fiesty

          trying to update from Dapper Drake i followed the links in the post and found in

          this line as the recommended way for an upgrade

          gksu "update-manager -c"

          but, after downloading and installing gksu, which is not part of Kubuntu (my original installation of Dapper) all i get is

          pep@Piccolo:~$ sudo gksu "update-manager -c"
          X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
          Major opcode: 146
          Minor opcode: 3
          Resource id: 0x0
          Failed to open device
          X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
          Major opcode: 146
          Minor opcode: 3
          Resource id: 0x0
          Failed to open device

          as this is the recommended way to upgrade, should i think that i am stuck in Dapper and all my system (configuration and installations) is gonna die with a fresh install?

          I just want to move from Dapper Drake to Feisty Fawn not install a new system. Is there a recommended (or even a not recommended) way or a turnaround to this error message?
          thank for the help you can give me



            Re: Upgrade from Dapper to Fiesty

            That error (wacom crap) message:
            Topic: X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168

            Try again gksu "update-manager -c"
            Do you have:
            Make sure that you have the packages "ubuntu-minimal" and "ubuntu-standard" installed, regardless of whether you're using Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu or Edubuntu.
            as this is the recommended way to upgrade, should i think that i am stuck in Dapper and all my system (configuration and installations) is gonna die with a fresh install?
            No !

            You could (i would - but that is me):

            1) Goto Ubuntu sources.list generator
            With this generator you can create your own custom sources.list from various available sources. It takes only two simple steps.
            Make new and clean sources.list for edgy (feisty)

            2) Backup old sources.list
            sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list_mybackup_001
            3) Replace old sources list

            4) Check what happens if ...
            sudo apt-get update
            sudo apt-get -s -u dist-upgrade
            -s, --simulate, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon, --no-act
            No action; perform a simulation of events that would occur but
            do not actually change the system.
            Saving info:
            sudo apt-get -s -u dist-upgrade > Upgrade_info.txt
            Is there packages being unexpectedly removed ? -> You can install them later

            5) Moving to the virtual konsole
            Press Ctrl+Alt+F1 and log in

            6) Shut kde/kdm down.
            sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
            7) Download packages.
            sudo apt-get -d -u dist-upgrade
            -d, --download-only
            Download only; package files are only retrieved, not unpacked or
            8 ) The moment of truth, Point of no return, The real thing...
            sudo apt-get -u dist-upgrade
            9) Restart
            sudo /sbin/shutdown -r now
            -r Reboot after shutdown.
            10) Log in edgy (feisty)

            Repeat edgy -> feisty.


            Wait two months

            Topic: Gutsy Release Schedule and Plans

            and create a separate home partition in Kubuntu.

            Create a separate home partition in Ubuntu.

            When gusy is released: Download alternate cd.

            Alternate install CD

            The alternate install CD allows you to perform certain specialist installations of Kubuntu. It provides for the following situations:

            * creating pre-configured OEM systems;
            * setting up automated deployments;
            * upgrading from older installations without network access;
            * LVM and/or RAID partitioning;
            * installs on systems with less than about 256MB of RAM (although note that low-memory systems may not be able to run a full desktop environment reasonably).
            When installing you just mount your existing /home folder to the kubuntu...

            Topic: How to get started with no GUI

            Topic: HOWTO : Disaster Recovery and xorg.conf
            Before you edit, BACKUP !

            Why there are dead links ?
            1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
            2. Thread: Lost Information


              Re: Upgrade from Dapper to Fiesty

              step by step things go on...
              thanks to your suggestion i don't get X error:BadDevice messages like before.
              I just get new errors : when update-manager runs it give back

              pep@Piccolo:~$ gksu "update-manager -c"
              warnings.warn("apt API not stable yet", FutureWarning)
              extracting '/tmp/tmpSm4VaA/edgy.tar.gz'
              authenticate '/tmp/tmpSm4VaA/edgy.tar.gz' against '/tmp/tmpSm4VaA/edgy.tar.gz.gpg'
              can't find DistUpgradeViewGtk

              and i have no idea of what DistUpgradeViewGtk is.
              hope you have some suggestion in your bag of tricks...
              thank you


                Re: Upgrade from Dapper to Fiesty

                Bugs and more bugs

                Maybe these:

                update-manager "API NOT STABLE YET"

                Update Manager broken?
                Before you edit, BACKUP !

                Why there are dead links ?
                1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
                2. Thread: Lost Information


                  Re: Upgrade from Dapper to Fiesty

                  Thanks Rog,
                  i finally found this thread, that solved the problem.


                  it suggest this command

                  sudo aptitude install python-vte

                  and finally my update manager started to work. But i found that the update manager wants a huge amount of free space on disk: about 700 mb of free space that makes impossible my update.

                  I have only 350 mb free, and that after a house cleaning in which i also disinstalled programs to gain space.
                  I am also the unhappy owner of a davicom-tulip ethernet card that is not fully compatible with Linux and drops the internet connection randomly after a while. So i am afraid to screw up everything for a broken connection - and that if i find how to recover space from the hard disk.

                  I know; i should buy a new hard disk, a new ethernet card, maybe a new computer and solve the problem at the root. But i like to fight with minimal systems . It make me learn a lot faster...

                  So i am thinking in a strategy to work around the problem.
                  - should i update from a CD?
                  - maybe could i shrink the windows partition and give more place to Linux ?

                  Here it cames some new questions i make to abuse of your patience:

                  - i have QTparted as the only partition manager but it seems quite unreliable. Can i trust it, if it cannot even display a graphically accurate image of my main disk? is there some other partition manager i can use reducing the risk of screwing both Linux and Win partitions?

                  In the search of something to delete, i found that Linux kept the image of prior versions of the linux core: 2.16.13 and 2.16.15. they amount for 120 MB and that's a lot when you have only 350 MB space left. Is there any safe way to get rid of them and reclaim that space? With Adept seems that if i try to do that, my machine will explode or hung forever...

                  and finally, why the update asks for such enormous amount of memory if it says that my system is up to date. Will it clean up or will it leave me with a new version and no space at all in the disk?

                  this is my first intent to update. I start from Dapper and have to jump to 6.10, then 7.4 and soon 7.10. Seems that updating is not so easy if you didn't plan ahead and left a lot of space. Someone talks to have 3 separate partitions: home, system one and system two, just to swap to a fresh install of new versions, but at the rate of at least 5 GB for partition, that seems a lot of waste... and quite complicate too

                  Maybe all this will end up reinstalling Linux (and that after the ethernet substitution) but i already got something from the whole history:

                  1) give Kubuntu a lot more space that my optimistical 3 GB
                  2) make a separate Home partition...

                  and that was your point

                  thanks for your help


                    Re: Upgrade from Dapper to Fiesty

                    i finally found this thread, that solved the problem.
                    Good to hear

                    I am also the unhappy owner of a davicom-tulip ethernet card that is not fully compatible with Linux and drops the internet connection randomly after a while. So i am afraid to screw up everything for a broken connection
                    Here you can use:
                    sudo apt-get -d -u dist-upgrade
                    After this gksu "update-manager -c".

                    You download packages with apt-get and install them with update-manager.

                    When you install a package APT retrieves the needed files from the hosts listed in /etc/apt/sources.list, stores them in a local repository (/var/cache/apt/archives/), and then proceeds with installation

                    In time the local repository can grow and occupy a lot of disk space.
                    Hmm - have you ever cleaned package archives ?

                    Kubuntu forums have:
                    Kubuntu Forums > Important Information > Documentation > How To's
                    Kubuntu Forums > Important Information > Documentation > Experimentation/Customization/Optimization

                    In the How To's:
                    HOWTO: Cleaning local package archives

                    Cleaning system (to gain space):

                    Topic: Disk shows 100G used but when I total up folders it should be <45G

                    Topic: HOWTO : Cleaning old KDE thumbnails
                    Topic: KDE thumbnail generator running wild ?

                    I did have several thousand png pictures, about 2 GB in the /home/user/.thumbnails/large/ and /home/user/.thumbnails/normal/.

                    klerfayt told that
                    one simple way to to clean thumbnail cache is to run kcontrol; choose > Security & Privacy > Privacy
                    Cleaning up a Ubuntu GNU/Linux system

                    i have QTparted as the only partition manager but it seems quite unreliable.
                    Well - UnicornRider said in Topic: QtParted Problems with Manual Edit (ped_disk_new?) ( :
                    You may want to give GParted (live system) a try, instead - as from my experience, QtParted is useless at best ...
                    I haven't tried QTparted but GParted is working fine. It is Gnome (Ubuntu) program but you can run it in KDE (or KDE programs in the Gnome). It is in the repositories. Gparted (Gnome Partition Editor) home

                    In the search of something to delete, i found that Linux kept the image of prior versions of the linux core: 2.16.13 and 2.16.15. they amount for 120 MB and that's a lot when you have only 350 MB space left. Is there any safe way to get rid of them and reclaim that space? With Adept seems that if i try to do that, my machine will explode or hung forever
                    Yes - you can remove old linux kernels:
                    Topic: HOWTO: Removing unnecessary entries from the grub menu list
                    a.k.a removing old kernel packages and rewriting new menu.lst

                    Sometimes grass is greener on the other side of the fence:

                    Topic: Package manager you use

                    Topic: benefits and disadvantages of synaptic instead of adept in Kubuntu

                    and finally, why the update asks for such enormous amount of memory if it says that my system is up to date.
                    When i tried upgrade from dapper to feisty it downloaded about 1,1 G. The amount depends how many programs you have been installing. Upgrade is package/program/library replacing (You download edgy package, remove dapper program/library, install edgy program/library)

                    Will it clean up or will it leave me with a new version and no space at all in the disk?
                    Hmm - i don't think that it will clean. Thats why: HOWTO: Cleaning local package archives.

                    Good Luck !

                    Before you edit, BACKUP !

                    Why there are dead links ?
                    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
                    2. Thread: Lost Information


                      Re: Upgrade from Dapper to Fiesty

                      Hi Rog
                      your last post was so full of suggestions that it took a little to understand and use them. First i could get rid of previous versions af the Linux core, then i could free a lot of space in my hard disk without destroying the system and, following the evaluation of space needed - made by Update Manager, i was able to go down to 19.8 MB needed. I had to unistall some programs but finally i got a message saying that i had to free "only" this 19.8 MB on var/cache/apt/archives/.

                      The directory was already empty so i could not satisfy the requisite. I had to find out more space OUT of var/cache/apt/archives/. I managed it deleting settings of programs in my home directory. When i finally got enough space (more then 650 MB) and started Update Manager with the lines you suggested to have a update immune to broken internet connection

                      sudo apt-get -d -u dist-upgrade
                      After this gksu "update-manager -c".

                      i got a new error message asking to free 340 MB more on /usr...

                      Is Update Manager asking me to manually delete every single file, to upgrade?
                      my /usr directory is a tiny 1.6 GB and that IS the system. Even deleting the Open Office package i could reclaim only 190 MB. I could delete the whole usr/share/ppd directory gaining 76 MB more, but you see that i would already be deleting the system to update it

                      and, as Update Manager estimate needed space one directory by one, what if it will ask for more space after?

                      At the moment Update Manager is asking 1 GB of free space to update a system that comes in a single CD of 700MB. And i have already in my machine the last version of the core. >

                      and, after that, i still should update to 7.06 as it is a step by step process.

                      Wouldn't be more reasonable to let me choose if i want to update every single program i installed, in the update process or after it?

                      i am a newbie; i installed in a painfull way some packages that comes in a different way that repositories. For example Blender, inkscape and Xara had to be installed "manually" as the repositories didn't have it or had a too old version. Should i delete this programs, update and then reinstall them in the same slow, painfull, error prone way?

                      Should i delete the packages that comes with Kubuntu to update Kubuntu? As a matter of fact i already did it; i deleted Krita, Kooka, Kaffeine, QTparted just because as they are part of the distro and is easy to reinstall them, but in this way i have in my machine programs that Kubuntu does not install (and will not update) and will have anyway to reinstall some AFTER the update process... it keep me quite confused...

                      Definitely the update process is not a simple one. Just to do it is a wonderful way to learn a lot... 8)



                        Re: Upgrade from Dapper to Fiesty

                        i got a new error message asking to free 340 MB more on /usr...

                        Is Update Manager asking me to manually delete every single file, to upgrade?
                        hmm - I think that update-manager don't check if you already have packages when it checks disk space (and i wouldn't touch those files).

                        You could (i haven't tried these)

                        There is Topic: FAQ: Kubuntu without internet connection

                        - This doesn't work because:
                        Restore APTonCD
                        Copy files
                        The packages selected are copied from the APTonCD media to /var/cache/apt/archives/ directory. This way the packages are available and you can install them using apt-get, aptitude or synaptic without need to download them.
                        But this may work:
                        This page will describe how to make a cd which contains packages you have downloaded on one machine using apt or synaptic. The cd will be a repository that you can easily use on another machine using synaptic or apt-cdrom.
                        Then you could use the CD like any other Ubuntu CD. On a non-networked ubuntu machine, you can run synaptic, insert the cd and go into Synaptic -> Edit -> Add Cdrom and it will add the contents of the cd to your repositories.

                        If you have USB memory (2 - 4 GB)

                        Goto /var/cache/apt/ and rename archives folder (safe_archives or something )

                        make symlink

                        ln -s /path/to/real/folder/ /path/to/virtual/folder

                        In this case:
                        sudo ln -s /media/usbdisk/ /var/cache/apt/archives

                        My USB stick is mounted in /media/usbdisk/

                        move packages from /var/cache/apt/safe_archives/ to /var/cache/apt/archives/

                        Symbolic link

                        how do i create a symbolic link

                        Wouldn't be more reasonable to let me choose if i want to update every single program i installed, in the update process or after it?
                        Hmm - i have 1731 packages installed in Dapper---> dependencies(and version dependencies).

                        About dependencies:
                        The Debian GNU/Linux FAQ
                        Chapter 6 - Basics of the Debian package management system
                        Installation of software by the package system uses "dependencies" which are carefully designed by the package maintainers. These dependencies are documented in the control file associated with each package. For example, the package containing the GNU C compiler (gcc) "depends" on the package binutils which includes the linker and assembler. If a user attempts to install gcc without having first installed binutils, the package management system (dpkg) will send an error message that it also needs binutils, and stop installing gcc.

                        For example Blender, inkscape and Xara had to be installed "manually" as the repositories didn't have it or had a too old version. Should i delete this programs, update and then reinstall them in the same slow, painfull, error prone way?
                        About upgrading -
                        Topic: Should I upgrade from Daper to Feisty Fawn?

                        They should work with dapper/edgy/feisty.

                        If you want to install programs that are not in the Debian Linux Package format:

                        a) Program has own installer.
                        You unpack it and run seamonkey-installer.

                        b) Program is run ready. You just unpack it and run it.

                        c) You compile from sources

                        d) Use alien packages with alien
                        alien - Convert or install an alien binary package
                        If you install programs without package management then you can't find/remove programs with package managers (apt, aptitude, adept, synaptic...)

                        You also need to add programs to the KDE menu + make correct application bindings (konqueror settings)

                        Should i delete the packages that comes with Kubuntu to update Kubuntu? As a matter of fact i already did it; i deleted Krita, Kooka, Kaffeine, QTparted just because as they are part of the distro and is easy to reinstall them, but in this way i have in my machine programs that Kubuntu does not install (and will not update) and will have anyway to reinstall some AFTER the update process... it keep me quite confused...
                        There are minimum requirements for disk space and memory:

                        Topic: Excessive memory usage

                        Every new version wants more and more memory/space and i would multiply those numbers by 2 or 3.

                        Before you edit, BACKUP !

                        Why there are dead links ?
                        1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
                        2. Thread: Lost Information


                          Re: Upgrade from Dapper to Fiesty

                          Hello again All:

                          Here is a silly question along the same lines. Let's pretend that someone only wants to consistently have the Long Term Support (LTS) version of Kubuntu running. So currently, Dapper is the installed version.

                          Then, after the three years or so, a new LTS version comes out. Will one be able to upgrade to the next LTS version without going through Edgy and Fiesty?

                          The point being that, as I understand it, Edgy and Fiesty are "unstable" versions (in that they have many package upgrades throughout their life, not in their quality) and, as such, are not recommended for the newbie to start out with. Or do the releases work such that Edgy becomes the next LTS version?

                          If not, wouldn't the user then have to go through two or three upgrades at once to obtain the next LTS version? Going through several upgrades to get to the next LTS version seems to me to be asking for trouble, particularly with noobs who just want as little tinkering as possible. So I can't be right....



                          GPG Key ID# 0x3AE05130


                            Re: Upgrade from Dapper to Fiesty

                            What is LTS (Long Term Support):

                            The Kubuntu release featuring 3 years of support on the desktop and 5 years on the server.

                            The LTS versions of Ubuntu differ from the regular six-month releases in that they carry a longer term of support than the standard releases, a feature that makes Ubuntu more attractive to enterprise customers.

                            Some people recommend using 6.06 because it is an LTS (long-term support) release (which means it gets three years of security updates instead of just eighteen months), but it is not necessarily stabler than the newest release.

                            Will one be able to upgrade to the next LTS version without going through Edgy and Fiesty?
                            Yes - IF you are willing to tinker with your kubuntu installation.

                            noobs who just want as little tinkering as possible
                            If you want as little tinkering as possible (and your kubuntu is working) - don't upgrade to a new release, just update packages :
                            Topic: Should I upgrade from Daper to Feisty Fawn?

                            When you think that you want more bells and whistles (Beryl/Compiz/whatever) or your kubuntu versions is fully served: create a separate /home partition (if you don't have) and install rest of system from scratch. Then you have clean and probably working system (with new bugs ).
                            Before you edit, BACKUP !

                            Why there are dead links ?
                            1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
                            2. Thread: Lost Information

