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Weird Installing/Restarting Problem

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    Weird Installing/Restarting Problem

    I'm fairly new to the Kubuntu site but I wanted to post something I thought was sorta strange. About a year and a half ago I gave my friend a Ubuntu cd (first time we had ever heard of it) and it ran perfectly and he got it installed onto his home computer (long story, he had to delete it because of family's lack of understand it, he's going to get Kubuntu this time though since no one uses the computer now).

    Well, I tried, back then, to install it and at the install screen it ran when it said "Run as LiveCD/Install" and it crashed, restarted, and did it all over again (also did it in every mode, mind you I was still a MicroSucks noob who didn't wanna put up with anything more then point, click, install). Frustrated I quit trying to use Ubuntu.

    About a week ago I finally tried again (I hated Fedora's big brother view of music files, since most of my songs already are in mp3 format, and the lack of programs) and so I installed PCLinuxOS. Before I tried to install Kubuntu it almost didn't work and I tried in safe install (PCLinuxOS I mean).

    Safe install had some jargon of how it would run (first time I actually saw the boot script) and it had something interesting that was different from the main install, the final script of "acpi=off". I wrote down everything that was in the Normal Setup and the Safe Setup. I tried changing the original boot up and it happened to work when I put that in. I looked it up it has something to do with power distribution (mind again, I'm still pretty noobish at Linux and would love to learn how to program so I could actually be a bigger part of Kubuntu.)

    So alas, I tried the Kubuntu install with this new found knowledge (PCLinuxOS crashed pretty hard on me, and I had to change the script so the boot would always contain that parameter and I wanted Kubuntu for a while now), and... it restarted again. I checked the boot parameters angrily (on the Live CD) and I just went through some weird process and thought (I had written down all of what made PCLinuxOS run) and I saw "hey, Kubuntu doesn't have the 'noapic' thing in it." Tried this, with 'acpi=off', it worked and installed perfectly. Afterwards, it ran without me having to write this in every time or at all when the OS was finally installed.

    Now, thanks for those who read that long story of mine, much appricated, but I was wondering if other's not being able to install or run the CD (the one's who usually come onto the forums to rant, the MS-Noobs like I use to be :P ) might be having the same problem? Because, I know my computer isn't the newest but it runs Kubuntu pretty smooth except that weird hitch. Anyways, I'd love to hear some feedback (hopefully from someone who understands it all better then I do).


    P.S. If it's in the wrong section, please move, sorry about it if it is.

    Edit: I'm running Kubuntu on a...

    KDE Version: 3.5.6
    Machine: i686
    Release: 2.6.20-16
    RAM: 512 mb
    Harddrive: 80 gigs

    If I need to add anything else ask please, I'm not sure what else.

    Re: Weird Installing/Restarting Problem

    Thanks for the post.
    Hi Ash

    It is certainly true that using ACPI on an old computer can cause issues. Anyone who is having problems getting up and running should try what you have done.

    There are of course other things that can go wrong with the live CD. This may partly be due to the graphical install. For that reason I tend to get the alternate CD and do a text-based install. Boring and less intuitive but people seem to get a better success rate with it.

    When I had my previous laptop I ran Mandrake where I was able from the control centre to determine whether or not to run ACPI. If I left it off the effect for me was to keep the cooling fan running all the time, which kept things cool. It also affected the USB system which needed ACPI on to work properly. Have you noticed anything like that?

    Anyway, glad your determination paid off! Welcome



      Re: Weird Installing/Restarting Problem

      Wow, okay, I wish to first say your post scared me a bit before I opened up the page. Being that this is one of my first threads on the Kubuntu Community I was scared it'd be something like "Your such a noob, get off the boards" or something... thanks for the relief though.

      Originally posted by The Liquidator
      It also affected the USB system which needed ACPI on to work properly. Have you noticed anything like that?
      Wow, the last part actually caught my attention. About... 15 months ago roughly, my USB system stopped working. I never understood why it happened (I guessed something just got fried or that I messed up on taking something out) and I could never find anything to even come close to explain it. So in other words, yeah I have noticed that too.

      But I was merely saying what I did because I truly believe, that, the reason why people actually come to boards and flame is, (at least one of the various reasons) because of the whole WinMind. Not a real thing (I hope not, I'll patent it! :P) but basically this whole Mindset of the users from Windows (I had the same problem to, reason why I never bothered with it after that, not even going to boards about it), that if you have to do the slightest work it doesn't work.

      So is the whole acpi thing somehow connected to why I can't use my USB ports anymore? If so, any way I can fix it?


        Re: Weird Installing/Restarting Problem

        What you will find is that there are people here with very wide-ranging experiences. I have used Linux for a few years now, know a few of the slightly more advanced bits, but my knowledge is basic. There are others with enormous, wide ranging experience. What you won't find are elitist zealots. Everyone comes here simply with the intention of giving or receiving help.

        Now turning ACPI on and off. now that's beyond my knowledge but unless part of your Motherboard has fried, lack of ACPI may be a credible reason for failure of your USB system to work. Does it work with Windows, assuming you have that installed? Someone else will tell you how to enable ACPIt, I'm sure, but bear in mind that if your PC is allergic to use of ACPI it may not boot and you may need another install!



          Re: Weird Installing/Restarting Problem

          Yah... I'm not putting ACPI on, to risky since I know all it'll do is crash and restart. And I've used Linux for 2 weeks :P, I just love programming or want to learn how to program. I understand the concept of how the computer thinks and I can read it, but, I can't write anything. But back on topic, and I guess I won't bother with getting the USB ports to work, since I'm going to switch motherboards soon anyways. And nope, I don't have MS installed, the reason I switched over to Linux was because my MS system had a failure (ha, what do you expect, it's MS :P) and it wouldn't run at all. So I forced switched to Linux, I haven't looked back on it though, since I'm full out happy with Linux. But thanks for the help, much appricated.


