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No user created during install

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    No user created during install


    I installed Feisty using the "alternate CD" and was never asked to create a user. Consequently when I get to the KDE login screen I am stuck.

    I did find the post in this forum "problem logging in as main user" to which there was one very helpful reply. By booting up in recovery mode and then running "startx" from the shell I was able to get into KDE and create a user but I have been unable to get this user "sudo" privileges.

    I say that because when I log in as "tom", open Konsole and type "sudo pico /etc/fstab" I'm not asked for a password - I just get a new command line. I've never seen that behavior before but then I've never operated as a low-privileged user before. When I type "pico /etc/fstab" and make a meaningless change to the file I can't save the file without renaming it.

    I have added the user to the "sudo" group and the "adm" group and, when those didn't work, I was even able to add the user to the "root" group ("adduser tom root" from the recovery mode shell). There is no "admin" group... I've still got Breezy installed and notice that Breezy does have an "admin" group in addition to the "adm" and "sudo" groups I found in Feisty. Perplexing.

    I suppose I could follow the Recovery mode -> startx procedure whenever I need to do something as root but am looking for a more elegant solution and for a better understanding of what has gone wrong.

    Thanks for your attention.

    Re: No user created during install

    I won't say this is one hundred percent accurate (someone correct me if I'm wrong) but if it didn't ask for an root password then all I could think of is that it'd be either ' user: root, pass: root ' which is the case on the LiveCD. Or someone once mentioned trying ' sudo passwd root ' you need your password for this (as in the user your on). But, that's my suggestions, hope it helps or gets you on the right track.



      Re: No user created during install

      Thanks for the suggestion. I fiddled around some but finally decided to reinstall Feisty and this time, early in the process, I was asked for a user name and password and this time I notice an admin group was created during the install process.


        Re: No user created during install

        Alright cool, just glad to hear that it was cleared up. Nothing ventured nothing gained.


