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Help with Edgy to Feisty upgrade

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    Help with Edgy to Feisty upgrade

    I can't seem to get any help with this. Should I just give up? Installation fails with update-manager bug. I mean, it's accepted as a bug by Ubuntu but nothing happens.

    This IS frustrating! > Help, please.
    'I must have a prodigious quantity of mind; it takes me as much as a week sometimes to make it up.' Mark Twain

    Re: Help with Edgy to Feisty upgrade

    First of, is there any reason why you'd rather a CD upgrade than the one recommended on the website?

    Anyhow, I seem to remember a discussion somewhere about using the CD to upgrade. I'll post back when I find it.

    Update: Found the link. Please read the disclaimer though:
    Please note - this method is less reliable. If you use this method, you MUST be prepared to fix problems manually, such as packages being unexpectedly removed, apt crashing unexpectedly, etc. It is highly recommended that you use the automatic upgrade instructions on FeistyUpgrades instead.

    Also, you may want to note the following:
    For Kubuntu.
    kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list
    Challenges are what that keeps us from the borderline of boredom in life's journey. Linux user no. 419401 currently running Kubuntu 24.04
    Current System: Beelink Mini PC, AMD Ryzen 7 5800H 8 Core(Up to 4.4GHz), 32GB DDR4 RAM 1TB NVME M.2 SSD, SER5 MAX Mini Desktop Computer with TCL BeyondTV5 serving as my monitor. ​


      Re: Help with Edgy to Feisty upgrade

      As I recall, the reason I wanted to upgrade from the CD was simple. My internet connection is very slow (512Kbps) and when I started the procedure, it warned me that the download would take something like 15 hours. It's just not possible, in this period of early-summer storms (in middle France), that I could leave the line up that long. Much less put up with my wife's complaints about the slowness of her emailing.

      Is that procedure interruptible? I'm referring to "Upgrading from 6.10 (Edgy Eft)" at

      This depends on whether I'm using the Edgy KDE 3.5.6 repository. How do I find that out? Is the repository the /etc/apt/sources.list? All I see in there that might indicate a level is

      deb cdrom:[Kubuntu 6.10 _Edgy Eft_ - Release i386 (20061025.1)]/ edgy main restr

      I'm a bit disappointed that updating Ubuntu is so complicated. Installation was far simpler (except for installing drivers for printer, graphics, etc.)
      'I must have a prodigious quantity of mind; it takes me as much as a week sometimes to make it up.' Mark Twain


        Re: Help with Edgy to Feisty upgrade

        Before I go any further, I never went the upgrade way. Seeing I use different partitions for /home and /user, I rather do a clean install. But that's just me.

        Now, on to your issue at hand, I'd rather take my chances with the suggested method as manually fixing stuff is way too much work. I'm adventurous, yes, but not insanely adventurous.

        I can't say for sure yes, it can be done in stages but seeing as I have done something similar, I'd go out on a limb here and say it's doable. The trick is to cancel the downloads when you have to shut down. I'd assume unless all is downloaded, then you may stand a chance although one guy had problems with interrupted downloads.

        Another solution (should be the best of the lot here) is to start the upgrading the recommended way, early in the evening. Tell your wife to send her emails early and start say around 8pm. The later the night gets the faster your downloads should kick in. I'd guarantee by next morning, it would be done. I'd try that option first as all the others carry a potential risk of breakage.
        Challenges are what that keeps us from the borderline of boredom in life's journey. Linux user no. 419401 currently running Kubuntu 24.04
        Current System: Beelink Mini PC, AMD Ryzen 7 5800H 8 Core(Up to 4.4GHz), 32GB DDR4 RAM 1TB NVME M.2 SSD, SER5 MAX Mini Desktop Computer with TCL BeyondTV5 serving as my monitor. ​


          Re: Help with Edgy to Feisty upgrade

          Originally posted by Princey
          Before I go any further, I never went the upgrade way. Seeing I use different partitions for /home and /user, I rather do a clean install. But that's just me.
          I just noticed this. What is /user? I don't have such a thing. Do you mean /usr? In which case, can Ubuntu be reinstalled and the old /usr put back in without messing it up? I guess I don't know exactly what sort of stuff Ubuntu/Linux puts in there. Would this save all the software I've installed myself, give or take a few drivers?

          Thanks again.
          'I must have a prodigious quantity of mind; it takes me as much as a week sometimes to make it up.' Mark Twain


            Re: Help with Edgy to Feisty upgrade

            Sorry about the mix up. Should have been "/usr" and not "/user".

            I'm pretty sure when I upgraded from Dapper to Edgy that I didn't chose to reformat the /usr partition. I only chose to reformat the root directory. Someone else can confirm this but my installation went fine. Drivers on the other hand are another issue and as far as I know (I could be wrong) that the only sure way to keep custom built drivers is to use the recommended way, although you'd have to recompile.

            That's why I suggested a clean install. You should note that all your preferences and settings are stored in /home. If it sits on a separate partition, then all your settings will be intact as long as you chose NOT to format that partition using the manual partitioning scheme. Hope that clears up any confusion.

            On another note, did you try the advice I gave by letting it sit for a night? It would take way less than the time specified on a 512kbps connection. I have a 256kpbs connection and I downloaded the CD overnight with no problems. I doubt there's more than a CD's worth of downloads. I could be wrong but I'd give that a try.
            Challenges are what that keeps us from the borderline of boredom in life's journey. Linux user no. 419401 currently running Kubuntu 24.04
            Current System: Beelink Mini PC, AMD Ryzen 7 5800H 8 Core(Up to 4.4GHz), 32GB DDR4 RAM 1TB NVME M.2 SSD, SER5 MAX Mini Desktop Computer with TCL BeyondTV5 serving as my monitor. ​


              Re: Help with Edgy to Feisty upgrade

              Ways to upgrade (not recommended - but still working - at least here)

              1) You have slow/bad line

              Update /etc/apt/sources.list (edgy->feisty)
              Goto Ubuntu sources.list generator
              and make new:
              With this generator you can create your own custom sources.list from various available sources. It takes only two simple steps.

              b) Update package list
              In the konsole:
              sudo sudo apt-get update
              c) Just checking
              sudo apt-get -s -u dist-upgrade
              -s, --simulate, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon, --no-act
              No action; perform a simulation of events that would occur but
              do not actually change the system.

              -u, --show-upgraded
              Show upgraded packages; Print out a list of all packages that
              are to be upgraded.
              d) Only downloading
              sudo apt-get -d dist-upgrade
              -d, --download-only
              Download only; package files are only retrieved, not unpacked or
              You can stop downloading and continue another day -> You kill the process and sudo apt-get -d dist-upgrade when you want continue.

              e) Upgrading
              When you have all packages
              sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

              2) Use DVD or CD

              Which *buntu to pick?
              The DVD contains the entire Main and Restricted repositories.
              2.4 Adding a CD-ROM to the sources.list file
              You need alternate cd.

              b) Find and Copy

              find /media/cdrom0/ -name "*.deb" -exec sudo cp {} /var/cache/apt/archives/ \;
              This seeks CD or DVD and copies debs to the /var/cache/apt/archives/. Apt/aptitude/adept/synaptic checks
              /var/cache/apt/archives/ before it tries to download packages.

              c) Upgrade
              sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
              Or use synaptic/adept.

              If you have room in the hard drive you can make copy of your system -> With two kubuntus you can easily revert kubuntu upgrade.


              HOWTO: Cleaning local package archives

              How can I create my own repository with only chosen software?

              How can I create my own repository with only chosen software?

              HOWTO: Copy kubuntu system
              Before you edit, BACKUP !

              Why there are dead links ?
              1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
              2. Thread: Lost Information

