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Fresh install using lvm --- HELP!

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    Fresh install using lvm --- HELP!

    I've seen part of this discussed here, but I haven't seen a good result.

    I have 2 disk drives.

    hda has
    • NTFS (XP Pro)
    • /boot (ext3)
    • swap
    • /extra (ext3) just to hold stuff

    hdb has 1 partition that is the only physical volume in a volume group. I have already setup logical volumes on this physical volume.
    • txroot, txusr, txvar, txhome for Trixbox 2.2
    • fcroot, fcusr, fcvar, fchome for Fedora 7
    • kuroot, kuusr, kuvar, kuhome for Kubuntu Feisty (I hope)

    I am already using the alternate CD thanks to something I found in these forums. Choosing manual partitioning I can make the install aware of /boot and /extra and the swap area has already been found. I get to the point of activating the one and only volume group and the command, vgchange -a -y, just hangs.

    If I kill that command, I get to a place that lets me create or remove logical volumes, but I can't use an existing one.

    Clearly I'm missing something here.

    Can someone please help me?

    Re: Fresh install using lvm --- HELP!

    OK. Here's a clue.

    I deleted the ku{root,usr,var,home} logical volumes and decided to create them during the install.

    So far each creation is working but very, very slow.
    Over on screen 4 where the log is displayed I see this message:
    Rendezvous with udev timed out for 'VG-kuXXXX <- you can fill the blank in.

    So far I've created the 4 logical devices.

    OK. now I have declared that as type ext3 and assigned mount points.
    Now I'm formatting partitions.
    Installing now.

    Hint. I use the /extra partition to store backup copies of /boot. If I have to manually recover /boot this should be a big help.

    The installation appears to going correctly. I may have to hack the grub.conf file, but that's acceptable.

    I could wish that the LVM installation code would be willing to accept preexisting logical volumes.


      Re: Fresh install using lvm --- HELP!

      I'm up. There was a problem with the grub.conf file. I had to manually add an entry to it. I'm doing the initial update now.

      I still think the LVM handling is confusing, at best. Just because it's not for newbies doesn't mean it must be completely obscure.

