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Kernel update to 2.6.20 messes up system clock - have to downrev

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    Kernel update to 2.6.20 messes up system clock - have to downrev

    I recently posted to the Software forum about a problem with Amarok skipping on music playback. I thought the issue was related to my futzing with Beryl/compiz, but it had absolutely nothing to do with the graphics/display system. I noticed after posting that the clock was running oddly -- in fact, 50% slower (almost exactly that). After some playing around, I confirmed that the clock at the hardware level was fine by going into my system's bios setup, where it ran the same as my reference (a timer on my pda). But logging into either a console or to KDE resulted in the slow clock. A post in the install/boot forum mentioned a clock issue (running too fast in their case) that was solved by downreving the kernel to 2.6.17.x. At some point, I cannot remember when, I used Adept and did the recommended upgrades and that included a kernel update to ver 2.6.20-16-generic. I booted my system to the 2.6.17 kernel and the clock/timing issue has disappeared. Which shows 1. that Amarok relies on the system clock whereas RealPlayer and XMMS do not, and 2. that 2.6.20 kernel does something really odd.