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Installation under VmWare

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    Installation under VmWare

    I have a little problem, I hope you can help me:

    - I have install vmware 6 under windows. From there, I start my physical partition of Kubuntu (I know... it's more logical to do the opposite.... but nobody is perfect!)
    - My vmware is in mode bridge, to use my wireless connection under windows.

    Here comes my doubt: how can I configure my linux to use internet connection? I have to configure the linux connection like a wireless one or an ethernet one?

    The documentation (vmware manual) I read makes me think I have to configure like an ethernet, because Bridge mode acts like a virtual switch that connects diffferent interfaces...

    Can anyone helps me?

    Re: Installation under VmWare

    Originally posted by nain_ja
    The documentation (vmware manual) I read makes me think I have to configure like an ethernet, because Bridge mode acts like a virtual switch that connects diffferent interfaces...
    I'd say so - just imagine your systems as two discrete ("real") machines, and you'll get the idea


      Re: Installation under VmWare

      You can also try NAT and see how it goes.


        Re: Installation under VmWare

        Thx for your answers... but I have another problem:

        When I write the command "ifconfig", I only have the "eth1" interface. But in the "interfaces" file, I have wlan0 too.

        Which one do I Have to configure?


          Re: Installation under VmWare

          Originally posted by nain_ja
          Try that one (first).


            Re: Installation under VmWare

            At the end, I configured my eth1 interface like an ethernet, not a wireless....

            Thanks all for your help.

