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no GRUB booting

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    no GRUB booting

    ok, so i booted kubuntu live
    ran great...
    then i installed on my 2nd hard drive.....
    and when i turn on my computer, it loads STRAIGHT to windoz
    my hardware setup is:
    1 160 gig SATA HDD
    1 60 gig IDE HDD
    which is ont he same cable as my CD/DVDburner...
    so, basically, no grub is booting, and is there an alternative to GRUB?
    like can i boot kubuntu with the windows boot manager?
    plz help, thank you very much for your time and hopefully, your effort.

    Re: no GRUB booting

    You have a mix of IDE and SATA, and sometimes that can cause various complications with GRUB.
    Looks like the SATA has your Windows? And that SATA is your “first” hard drive? (hd0)
    Then you installed Kubuntu to the IDE? the second hard drive (hd1).
    When you did so, did you have the installer put GRUB in the MBR of the first hard drive?

    You may just have to re-install GRUB to the MBR of the first hard drive, (hd0). I’ve seen this work in your situation.
    That involves, at a GRUB prompt (grub>), assuming Kubuntu is on the second hard drive, the first partition, typing
    grub> root (hd1,0)
    grub> setup (hd0)
    grub> quit

    For the logistics, see:

    How To GRUB Methods - Toolkit
    (don’t worry, it’s fairly quick and straightforward, you’ll use your Live CD to get a terminal (Konsole) and then type sudo grub to get the grub prompt).

    I think most folks here would say the GRUB is your best choice for a bootloader, but you can use others, including NTLDR, but it’s not always as easy.

    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: no GRUB booting

      yes, my SATA has windoz on it...
      and i need to know where to enter these commands...
      and, is there a way to do this whilst in windows?


        Re: no GRUB booting

        ok, so i fixxed it
        i had a brain burst and realised GRUB would be located on the 2nd HDD
        so i changed the BIOS to boot from IT first...
        making GRUB boot, and now im in KUBUNTU
        this is my first time using it...
        and its glorious
        i knew about the apt-get thing
        but i was bored and clicked the adept package manager

