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Help Needed for Internet Connection

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    Help Needed for Internet Connection

    I'm trying to set up my Internet connection using Kubuntu's system settings. I went to System Settings-> Networking & Connectivity->Network Settings. It indicated that my wireless network was enabled. The settings shown were: wlan0, IP address, and protocol dhcp. However, there were lots of other settings that need to be added and I don't know where to find them. I need such things as a Gateway IP address and under Wireless Settings I need ESSID and WEP key. There are probably other settings that I also need. I've looked at KDE Network Configuration by Wheller and Eckert. It gives instructions on how to set things up but not where to get the input information.

    Could someone get me going in the right direction? If there is a publication I need that will answer these questions that would be great.

    Thank you!

    Re: Help Needed for Internet Connection

    Have you looked at knetworkmanager? That is the best place to set up ESSID and the WEP. As far as the gateway, that should assigned by the DHCP server once connected to the wireless router.


      Re: Help Needed for Internet Connection

      I don't have wireless yet, but to edit other bits of your networking, such as the gateway, look at the other tabs in System Settings' networking section. 'Route" is where you set your gateway, for example,..
      I believe you may need utility such as kwifimanager or wlassistant, hopefully someone with good wireless experience can chime in here

      Also, you may want to specify what kind of card you have as some wireless chipsets are harder to set up than others in linux


        Re: Help Needed for Internet Connection

        Hi tlinux
        read the following link
        it will answer a lot of your questions.

        I do know the the default settings on the router is, for the ones I have done so far.
        You will have to enter that address in your browser (Konqueror or what ever you browser are using)
        It will ask you a id and password so that you can login to set up the router.
        Then in KnetworkManager you will have to use the setting that you set up for WEP, WPA or other wireless
        setting you are using.
        write the setting down some place so if you have to redo it in the future, you will have the setting.
        Or you might have to reset to router and start all over again,

        Good Luck and have fun
        I hope this helps


          Re: Help Needed for Internet Connection


          I've been trying to get knetworkmanager running but no luck. Adept shows it to be installed. It's listed in the Start menu as Networking->Knetworkmanager. However, when I click on its icon, nothing happens. I also ran its executable file in /usr/bin. It ran, but nothing happened. Don't know what to make of that.

          Now I'm going to chase some of these other suggestions shown above.

          Thanks for the help.


            Re: Help Needed for Internet Connection


            I tried to install kwifimanager and wlassistant but they wouldn't install. Got error messages saying there was a conflict with knetworkmanger. Also there were some missing dependencies, but they weren't specified. I was trying to install from a deb package. Kubuntu knows that knetworkmanager is there, but I can't get it to do anything.

            I'm stumped at the moment.

            If I were to uninstall knetworkmanager using Adept, will I be able to reinstall it? If so, does anyone think that might help?


              Re: Help Needed for Internet Connection

              What are you expecting Knetworkmanager to do?

              It should add an icon to your system tray, near the clock. You can then click on it to change your wireless network settings.



                Re: Help Needed for Internet Connection

                I'm trying to set up my wireless connection and I don't have a lot of the information required to do so such as the ESSID, the default Gateway IP address and various other IP addresses. I was told that Knetworkmanager could provide me with this information. If this isn't the way to go, where do I get these data?

                I have been trying to use Kubuntu's setup screens to connect to the Internet. I go to System Settings->Networking & Connectivity->Network Settings. I've noticed that after I enter my Key and a Gateway address and then hit Apply and await for it to compete the reconfiguration, they will be gone when I shut down Network Settings and then restart it. Shouldn't it keep these settings until I change them?


                  Re: Help Needed for Internet Connection

                  Originally posted by tlinux
                  I'm trying to set up my wireless connection and I don't have a lot of the information required to do so such as the ESSID, the default Gateway IP address and various other IP addresses. I was told that Knetworkmanager could provide me with this information. If this isn't the way to go, where do I get these data?
                  Ummm... no.

                  Knetworkmanager is a small icon that will appear on the left of the clock. If you click on it, a list of all available networks, wired or not should appear. You click on the one that you want to use, it will ask you for a password (WEP or WPA Key) if it's needed. And that's all.

                  You shouldn't use manual configuration, unless you know really know what all that info is.



                    Re: Help Needed for Internet Connection

                    How do I configure the network automatically?


                      Re: Help Needed for Internet Connection

                      Networking really isn't automatic. You still need to be given informaton about your network or actually are the one who sets it up. If you are going wireless, there should be a set of instructions on how to do so. Most wireless routers come preset, but to set them up correctly, you still need to be wired to it initially. A wireless router will also usually have a built in DHCP server to assign your system an IP. That is about as automatic as you will get as you still have to set up the wireless portions yourself to "secure" your network. Can you hook your system into the router via WIRE? If so (which I'd be surprised you couldn't) then you will get assigned and IP and a Gatway address. Normally, the gateway adress is your routers IP and is usually the mechanism to interface with a GUI setup utility.


                        Re: Help Needed for Internet Connection

                        I got Linksys (maker of router) to tell me how to find my Gateway address and my ESSID. It would take a long Ethernet line to connect. The router is in another room.

                        This is the problem that worries me now. I have been trying to use Kubuntu's setup screens to connect to the Internet. I go to System Settings->Networking & Connectivity->Network Settings. I've noticed that after I enter my Key and a Gateway address and then hit Apply and await for it to compete the reconfiguration, they will be gone when I shut down Network Settings and then restart it. Shouldn't it keep these settings until I change them?

