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acerhk + ipw2200

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    acerhk + ipw2200

    I managed to install on my ACER 1644 WLMi, but I cannot seem to connect using my wifi. I tried following a couple of ubuntu recipes, but don't manage to get a list of possible associations.

    First off if I'm going to install this
    what's the correct apt magic? I tried downloading, extracting and a manual install, but although that seems to leave a working acerhk.ko Adept thinks the installation is busted.

    I seem to have a working wireless card even without the acerhk stuff, but I cannot get a connection to my wpa base station. How does one configure wpa with kubuntu? What ubuntu stuff I've seen doesn't seem to apply.

    Re: acerhk + ipw2200

    You don't need to install that .deb I just got acerhk working by adding it to /etc/modules (not sure where it came from but I have a fairly vanilla install just with the extra repositories enabled) bear in mind that acerhk is a kernel module not a userspace tool so there is no program to run etc.

    I find that knetwork manager works pretty well most of the time (can be a bit finicky but it's ok).

    I'm not sure what card that it but you may need to use ndiswrapper to get it up and running.



      Re: acerhk + ipw2200

      Well after a bit of messing about with acerhk and the ipw2200 modules I can get the led to flash, but even though I can see several access points in the output of iwlist scan I cannot get knetworkmanager to list any wireless points. My wifi is actuall a hidden one anyhow, but I don't see any way to do a wpa setup.

      Can this be done manually? I did all this with wpa_supplicant files before, but I see everyone saying it's not required in kubuntu.

      I need to do manual configuration of the IP etc etc anyhow, but nowhere do I see anything about WPA or preshared keys etc etc. So far even winxp is winning and freebsd was a model of ease and far easier than Kubuntu.

      Come on experts: how do I associate with a hidden ssid, preshared key tkip wifi and forbid all other connections?


        Re: acerhk + ipw2200

        Originally posted by replab_robin
        Can this be done manually? I did all this with wpa_supplicant files before, but I see everyone saying it's not required in kubuntu.

        I need to do manual configuration of the IP etc etc anyhow, but nowhere do I see anything about WPA or preshared keys etc etc. So far even winxp is winning and freebsd was a model of ease and far easier than Kubuntu.

        Come on experts: how do I associate with a hidden ssid, preshared key tkip wifi and forbid all other connections?
        Well after some digging I guess I'm heading in this direction which seems to be a bit more controlled than the rather silly knetworkmanager. I'm not saying that knetworkmanager is bad, but I prefer to specify exactly which networks I connect to and only if my preferred networks fail should I be given the option to roam. I certainly don't like the automatic approach. Repeatedly during my messing about with the ipw2200 I used iwconfig only to find my machine had promiscuously connected to one of my neighbours' ap's (this might now be a crime in the UK) something I don't want.

